Day 11: Plutonian Pebbles

Megathread guidelines

  • Keep top level comments as only solutions, if you want to say something other than a solution put it in a new post. (replies to comments can be whatever)
  • You can send code in code blocks by using three backticks, the code, and then three backticks or use something such as if you prefer sending it through a URL


    3 months ago


    public class Day11 : Solver
      private long[] data;
      private class TreeNode(TreeNode? left, TreeNode? right, long value) {
        public TreeNode? Left = left;
        public TreeNode? Right = right;
        public long Value = value;
      private Dictionary<(long, int), long> generation_length_cache = [];
      private Dictionary<long, TreeNode> subtree_pointers = [];
      public void Presolve(string input) {
        data = input.Trim().Split(" ").Select(long.Parse).ToArray();
        List<TreeNode> roots = data.Select(value => new TreeNode(null, null, value)).ToList();
        List<TreeNode> last_level = roots;
        subtree_pointers = roots.GroupBy(root => root.Value)
          .ToDictionary(grouping => grouping.Key, grouping => grouping.First());
        for (int i = 0; i < 75; i++) {
          List<TreeNode> next_level = [];
          foreach (var node in last_level) {
            long[] children = Transform(node.Value).ToArray();
            node.Left = new TreeNode(null, null, children[0]);
            if (subtree_pointers.TryAdd(node.Left.Value, node.Left)) {
            if (children.Length <= 1) continue;
            node.Right = new TreeNode(null, null, children[1]);
            if (subtree_pointers.TryAdd(node.Right.Value, node.Right)) {
          last_level = next_level;
      public string SolveFirst() => data.Select(value => GetGenerationLength(value, 25)).Sum().ToString();
      public string SolveSecond() => data.Select(value => GetGenerationLength(value, 75)).Sum().ToString();
      private long GetGenerationLength(long value, int generation) {
        if (generation == 0) { return 1; }
        if (generation_length_cache.TryGetValue((value, generation), out var result)) return result;
        TreeNode cur = subtree_pointers[value];
        long sum = GetGenerationLength(cur.Left.Value, generation - 1);
        if (cur.Right is not null) {
          sum += GetGenerationLength(cur.Right.Value, generation - 1);
        generation_length_cache[(value, generation)] = sum;
        return sum;
      private IEnumerable<long> Transform(long arg) {
        if (arg == 0) return [1];
        if (arg.ToString() is { Length: var l } str && (l % 2) == 0) {
          return [int.Parse(str[..(l / 2)]), int.Parse(str[(l / 2)..])];
        return [arg * 2024];
      3 months ago

      I had a very similar take on this problem, but I was not caching the results of a blink for a single stone, like youre doing with subtree_pointers. I tried adding that to my solution, but it didn’t make an appreciable difference. I think that caching the lengths is really the only thing that matters.


          static object Solve(Input i, int numBlinks)
              // This is a cache of the tuples of (stoneValue, blinks) to
              // the calculated count of their child stones.
              var lengthCache = new Dictionary<(long, int), long>();
              return i.InitialStones
                  .Sum(stone => CalculateUltimateLength(stone, numBlinks, lengthCache));
          static long CalculateUltimateLength(
              long stone,
              int numBlinks,
              IDictionary<(long, int), long> lengthCache)
              if (numBlinks == 0) return 1;
              if (lengthCache.TryGetValue((stone, numBlinks), out var length)) return length;
              length = Blink(stone)
                  .Sum(next => CalculateUltimateLength(next, numBlinks - 1, lengthCache));
              lengthCache[(stone, numBlinks)] = length;
              return length;
          static long[] Blink(long stone)
              if (stone == 0) return [1];
              var stoneText = stone.ToString();
              if (stoneText.Length % 2 == 0)
                  var halfLength = stoneText.Length / 2;
                      long.Parse(stoneText.Substring(0, halfLength)),
              return [stone * 2024];