Day 14: Restroom Redoubt

Megathread guidelines

  • Keep top level comments as only solutions, if you want to say something other than a solution put it in a new post. (replies to comments can be whatever)
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    3 months ago

    Took far too long to work out a really stupidly method of finding the tree – I ended up just checking the first height*width time slots to find when the most bots appear in any given row/column. The framing around the Christmas tree accidentally made this foolproof :-). Add a bit of Chinese Remainder Theorem and we’re golden.

    import 'dart:math';
    import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
    import 'package:more/more.dart';
    List<List<Point<num>>> getBots(List<String> lines) {
      var bots = lines
          .map((e) => RegExp(r'(-?\d+)')
              .map((m) => int.parse(!))
          .map((p) => [Point<num>(p[0], p[1]), Point<num>(p[2], p[3])])
      return bots;
    // Solve system of congruences using the Chinese Remainder Theorem
    int crt(int r1, int m1, int r2, int m2) {
      int inv = m1.modInverse(m2);
      int solution = (r1 + m1 * ((r2 - r1) % m2) * inv) % (m1 * m2);
      return (solution + (m1 * m2)) % (m1 * m2); // Ensure the result is positive
    void moveBy(List<List<Point<num>>> bots, int t, int w, int h) {
      for (var b in bots) {
        b.first += b.last * t;
        b.first = Point(b.first.x % w, b.first.y % h);
    part1(List<String> lines, [width = 11, height = 7]) {
      var bots = getBots(lines);
      moveBy(bots, 100, width, height);
      var w = width ~/ 2, h = height ~/ 2;
      var quads = Multiset.fromIterable(
 => (b.first.x.compareTo(w), b.first.y.compareTo(h))));
      return [(-1, -1), (-1, 1), (1, -1), (1, 1)]
          .map((k) => quads[k])
          .reduce((s, t) => s * t);
    part2(List<String> lines, [width = 101, height = 103]) {
      var bots = getBots(lines);
      var t = 0;
      int rmax = 0, cmax = 0, rt = 0, ct = 0;
      while (true) {
        t += 1;
        moveBy(bots, 1, width, height);
        var r = Multiset.fromIterable( => e.first.x)).counts.max;
        var c = Multiset.fromIterable( => e.first.y)).counts.max;
        if (r > rmax) (rmax, rt) = (r, t);
        if (c > cmax) (cmax, ct) = (c, t);
        if (t > width * height) break;
      t = crt(rt, width, ct, height);
      bots = getBots(lines);
      moveBy(bots, t, width, height);
      // printGrid(height, width, bots);
      return t;