Day 15: Warehouse Woes

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  • Keep top level comments as only solutions, if you want to say something other than a solution put it in a new post. (replies to comments can be whatever)
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    3 months ago


    Not very optimized code today. Basically just a recursive function

    import fs from "fs";
    type Point = {x: number, y: number};
    enum Direction {
        UP = '^',
        DOWN = 'v',
        LEFT = '<',
        RIGHT = '>'
    const input = fs.readFileSync("./15/input.txt", "utf-8").split(/[\r\n]{4,}/);
    const warehouse: string[][] = input[0]
        .map(row => row.split(""));
    const movements: Direction[] = input[1]
        .map(char => char.trim())
        .map(char => char as Direction);
    // Part 1"Part 1: " + solve(warehouse, movements));
    // Part 2
    const secondWarehouse = => {
        const newRow: string[] = [];
        for (const char of row) {
            if (char === '#') { newRow.push('#', '#'); }
            else if (char === 'O') { newRow.push('[', ']'); }
            else if (char === '.') { newRow.push('.', '.'); }
            else { newRow.push('@', '.'); }
        return newRow;
    });"Part 2: " + solve(secondWarehouse, movements));
    function solve(warehouse: string[][], movements: Direction[]): number {
        let _warehouse = => [...row]); // Take a copy to avoid modifying the original
        const robotLocation: Point = findStartLocation(_warehouse);
        for (const move of movements) {
            // Under some very specific circumstances in part 2, tryMove returns false, but the grid has already been modified
            // "Fix" the issue ba taking a copy so we can easily revert all changes made
            // Slow AF of course but rest of this code isn't optimized either, so...
            const copy = => [...row]);
            if (tryMove(robotLocation, move, _warehouse)) {
                if (move === Direction.UP) { robotLocation.y--; }
                else if (move === Direction.DOWN) { robotLocation.y++; }
                else if (move === Direction.LEFT) { robotLocation.x--; }
                else { robotLocation.x++; }
            } else {
                _warehouse = copy; // Revert changes
        // GPS
        let result = 0;
        for (let y = 0; y < _warehouse.length; y++) {
            for (let x = 0; x < _warehouse[y].length; x++) {
                if (_warehouse[y][x] === "O" || _warehouse[y][x] === "[") {
                    result += 100 * y + x;
        return result;
    function tryMove(from: Point, direction: Direction, warehouse: string[][], movingPair = false): boolean {
        const moveWhat = warehouse[from.y][from.x];
        if (moveWhat === "#") {
            return false;
        let to: Point;
        switch (direction) {
            case Direction.UP: to = {x: from.x, y: from.y - 1}; break;
            case Direction.DOWN: to = {x: from.x, y: from.y + 1}; break;
            case Direction.LEFT: to = {x: from.x - 1, y: from.y}; break;
            case Direction.RIGHT: to = {x: from.x + 1, y: from.y}; break;
        const allowMove = warehouse[to.y][to.x] === "."
            || (direction === Direction.UP && tryMove({x: from.x, y: from.y - 1}, direction, warehouse))
            || (direction === Direction.DOWN && tryMove({x: from.x, y: from.y + 1}, direction, warehouse))
            || (direction === Direction.LEFT && tryMove({x: from.x - 1, y: from.y}, direction, warehouse))
            || (direction === Direction.RIGHT && tryMove({x: from.x + 1, y: from.y}, direction, warehouse));
        if (allowMove) {
            // Part 1 logic handles horizontal movement of larger boxes just fine. Needs special handling for vertical movement
            if (!movingPair && (direction === Direction.UP || direction === Direction.DOWN)) {
                if (moveWhat === "[" && !tryMove({x: from.x + 1, y: from.y}, direction, warehouse, true)) {
                    return false;
                if (moveWhat === "]" && !tryMove({x: from.x - 1, y: from.y}, direction, warehouse, true)) {
                    return false;
            // Make the move
            warehouse[to.y][to.x] = moveWhat;
            warehouse[from.y][from.x] = ".";
            return true;
        return false;
    function findStartLocation(warehouse: string[][]): Point {
        for (let y = 0; y < warehouse.length; y++) {
            for (let x = 0; x < warehouse[y].length; x++) {
                if (warehouse[y][x] === "@") {
                    return {x,y};
        throw new Error("Could not find start location!");