Following the thread on [email protected], here is another one to discuss your favourite TV shows of 2024

Animation shows should probably be discussed on [email protected]

Feel free to comment with the shows you liked the most, ideally one comment per show so that other people can chime in and discuss.

    3 months ago

    Man what a year for shows I actually think. We got the obvious big hits like Fallout and Shogun, but there were some smaller ones that I think were far better than people recognize.

    Really what a fun show that does a great play on the superpower tropes and does such a fun dance of the cast being terrible people that you want to root for.

    Scavengers Reign:
    Woah what a powerhouse of an emotional animation roller coaster. So fantastic, so alien. Fully took advantage of what the medium could do that no other could and proved why animation is still the truest art can get.

    Maybe a bit of a controversial pick and especially since it was the last season but it was fun.
    I really enjoyed that they took the comic and held themselves true to the sweeping arcs and messages and even each season matched each book as if viewed through a foggy lens to keep it original while recognizable.
    Cinematography definitely took a hit first few episodes of the last season but then it balances back out and you can feel a desperate need for a happy ending in a sad story. Still lots of fun and very Snowpiercer the whole time.