I was thinking about it, and I can actually envision it. But I bet some people would HATE it. The character suits his style though. He has clauses in his contracts where he can never lose a fight, he can never look bad, ect ect ect. And that’s Superman in a nutshell. There’s no stakes, because he never loses. It’s right up his ally.
I hate it. Superman doesn’t need to be swole, in fact it would break immersion for me.
Clark has to be a believable dork. The Rock is really not.
Even Henry Cavil was a stretch.
How about Micheal Cera, or Steve Corell? Or is that TOO far in the opposite direction?
Ok, Steve Corell as superman is kinda intriguing.
Henry Cavill is an unbelievable dork/nerd in real life too though
We never really saw Cavill being Clark unfortunately. I think he could have crushed it but it was very clear Snyder and Terio had zero interest in Clark.
Swole? You mean this this guy?