Not more amazing content!
Her dream is to wash her hands before eating?
Speaking of Bird being shit at her job. I am assuming she did not have consent when she exploited her son last night for her IG story because it was quickly deleted. Did anyone else see that?
I wonder if their father is helping them stay off her socials.
I wonder if she has to pay him any kind of child support since she obviously makes way more money than him.
Usually no one pays support in a 50/50 custody split
It is my understanding that in a 50/50 custody arrangement you legally “pay” one another the amount based on the income chart breakdown, but if there is an income disparity then the one who makes more money pays the other one the difference.
I received a response from the company that gifted S. with all of the food. I appreciate that they responded. I just can’t fathom how S. continues to carry on the way she does with zero accountability. Janette has a great post today regarding all of the influencer tactics. I’m glad she’s continuing to speak about this.
I got the exact same thing. I think it’s a cop out response that misses the point (that they shouldn’t be donating food to rich influencers during a housing and food insecurity crisis).
Copy paste reply that shows the company doesn’t read messages nor care what it says.
But don’t forget folks, her poor wittle mental health suffers too. Just like the rest of us who are working 50 hours a week, balancing children, extracurricular activities, and trying to buy Christmas gifts.
God I HATE her
I can’t get over how hard life is for her 😒 Another mention yesterday about her divorce. What a difficult time that was. Having a house to move into with her parents who were there to financially support her and look after her kids when they weren’t at their dads.
Could you imagine, being on yet another lovely vacation with your entire family, including your HUSBAND and your ex is living rent free in your head…forever…
One of the few things she can use to manipulate her followers. That’s why she is constantly bringing it up. She can’t use the mental health card while she runs around this ship happier than a pig in shit.
Great point!
Still going on about an ex when you were a child bride and clearly made decisions too young (and had suck up you can do no wrong parents ) it’s just the past. She’s so hung up on it.
I’m almost certain ‘the pregnancies began’ so Princess didn’t have to work outside the home. I think the 3rd was born as the other two would be in school and then she started documenting her weight loss online, posting the kids. I bet this is what caused the marriage to breakdown
No one could ever convince me she felt a shred of guilt or any other sort of way when she moved in with her parents. She thought she deserved all the handouts and support. Just like she still does. Once a freeloader, always a freeloader.
I can just imagine all these influencer chicks trying to out do each other in every room. Gosh I hope everyone on that boat is an influencer or else the other passengers deserve something free too. Can you imagine them talking to themselves and being obnoxious, telling everyone who paid that they are there for free. Watching this whole thing is just weird. I think Jillian was drunk at noon.
1st stop for Jillian was the bar for a Margarita. I love how she has said multiple times she has cut down the drinking, barely drinks 🤣
I do not watch her stories anymore just read in the subs. Did her oldest skip uni for this trip?
I haven’t seen her so I think her education shockingly came first. I’m sure her dad has a big say in that as missing exams would be a big no-no.
I don’t know many universities that would allow a student to change an exam to go on a family trip, let alone a free brand trip.