Trav argues that Deng bastardized socialism, and that post-Mao leadership took class struggle out of Marxism.

    7 months ago

    This is what I am interested in hearing other people answer first. All I can say is that it is difficult for socialism to succeed in a capitalist dominated world. While I can understand the argument about class struggle, I believe each country’s path to socialism will be different in different nations. China at this time is serving a massive role in maintaining peace as much as possible and to prevent another capitalist takeover of their country. This is necessary, especially with their 100 year plan and goal to US dedollarization via becoming a world leading centralized nation mutually benefitting in trade with Eurasia and Africa. While people were hurt in the process, I believe the emancipation of the proletariat has an improved chance of succeeding across the world than if China had the same fate as the Soviet Union.