This is evidently a quarterly magazine of unique, Astérix-related goodies and games that’s been running since 2016. I’ve only seen samples so far, not a full issue.

The Balloon-Romans

I think the idea above is that our heroes previously tricked the Romans in to consuming one of Getafix’ other potions that they really shouldn’t have, setting up this bizarre panel. Was it from one of Uderzo’s solo albums? (I forget)

A couple more covers, above. Some pretty good ideas there, I thought, for example the left one collecting many of the junior guest stars.

The idea above (as you can see) is that Obelix is trying to use the hanging mistletoe to his advantage, and it keeps backfiring hilariously.

EDIT: Whoops! I initially thought this was some post-Uderzo work, and was properly amazed, but nope-- it’s from the golden age. I wonder when and where it might have originally been published, though.

Anyway, there are many more samples from the issues here:

Now does the mag make it all the way to French Canada? I wonder…

    • JohnnyEnzyme@lemm.eeOPM
      2 months ago

      Back in the day, I had to pedal *quite* a few miles to get to a certain store that sold Asterix, and I think one of either Lucky Luke or Tintin albums. They weren’t exactly cheap, and I also had to calculate how to split my funds between D&D hobby stuff, plus whatever music album I wanted.

      Young, middle-class problems, I suppose. XD

      Anyway yeah, how and where did you find it, Tyler? (all hail Fight Club, btw)