We are coming to an end of the second year of c/superbowl, and I think we’ve had a really good year together. We’ve covered a ton of great topics, and we’ve got a pretty good group of people commenting on a daily basis. A lot of people have been hanging around since last year, and we’re still doing well overall in the list of active communities and we’ve grown by about 50% since last year. There’s a lot of people recommending us whenever I see a “what communities are must subscribe?” list.
We have a lot of fun, we learn a lot, and I hope we feel a better connection to the world around us.
I’ll post some top whatever lists below in the comments to look at some of the things we’ve done and some of the things you may have missed.
This is a Pokemon. Please only post Owls. Thanks.
It would be a good starter Pokemon!
Top Posts of the Year (by me, not cartoony, meme stuff)
Eurasian Scops
435 upvotes, 43 comments
Cool pic of a Scops. Thought he’d do better in OotY after this, but it seems this was just the right pic at the right time.Weight and See
405 upvotes, 48 comments
GHO in a funny pose getting its weight takenHide and seek with the longest owl, the Great Grey
402 upvotes, 20 comments
Post highlighting how even the biggest of owls can just disappearBump on a Log
390 upvotes, 19 comments
Boreal Owl peaks out of its hiding place‘Biggest relief imaginable’: Eugene wildlife center’s owl found after storm damage
359 upvotes ,18 comments
Cascades Raptor Center destroyed by huge winter storm, lost owl is rescuedLeast Upvoted
Message from Woodsy Owl on the Upcoming Solar Eclipse!
24 upvotesAll the Superb Owl Super Bowl Game posts 😑
GHO Nest Updates
Hilton Head RaptorCAM updatesSomething Different
Black and white Snowy picMisc National Aviary Pics
36 upvotesFuture Plans
Finish the overwhelmingly good book, What an Owl Knows, and make some posts from it
More posts from other countries (got some great ones started already!)
Write a good article about the City of Long Eared Owls
Find more scientific journal articles
Come up with the new Owl of the Year banners/icons
Whatever else I feel like doing!
Late-ish reply, but wow… may I ask what the book is about exactly?, as well as what is City of Long Eared Owls, haha.
No worries, anyone can always ask a question about any of my posts in this community, no matter how old!
The book is an all around exposé on everything owl and owl related. I’ve gone over a few things in posts, but when i was reading the e-version, I was highlighting too many things to keep up making posts on! The owl tracking dogs, the Blakiston’s Fish drones, the acoustic experimentation, there was just so much that I took a break and then got too distracted with other things.
It’s a really fun and easy to understand book written for normal people with a slight abnormal desire to know about owls but not so much they want a college text. I recommend it, or listening to some of the author’s podcast appearances to see if it’s something you’d be into.
For the City of Owls, I want to keep that a surprise for now until I can get a big feature about it written!
The book is an all around exposé on everything owl and owl-related.
Oh dear, gosh-a-rooties, even if that’s merely hyperbole, it’s still of the best kind! ^^
Thanks for explaining. <3
I made our Owl of the Year donation to my local animal and owl rescue. Here’s the mock up of this year’s plaque:
It will join last year’s White Face Scops plaque in the center’s office building. Hopefully the donation buys some juicy mice or important medicine.
Most Slept on Posts
Shows how hard it is to spot some of these owls in their natural environmentClimate Change and Housing Adaptation: Owl Edition
How climate change is impacting owl/bird house designsArticle Discussion: Hoot owl biology and the U.S. government
Deep thoughts from both sides of the Spotted/Barred Owl debateOwl Displays from the Carnegie Natural History Museum, some great, some not so much…
Museum exhibits of various quality, great diamara and cute ookpikCamouflage Isn’t What It Appears To Be
Short video on animal camouflageThank you @[email protected] for your continous efforts in keeping this communtiy enganged and a lovely place to be around! Me and i think all others appreciate you.
I appreciate you all just as much. It takes me and you to make the dynamic we have here!