Seems weird to assume that LGBTQ people must be the victim of something in order to be the way they are. It’s wild to assume that neutrotypical people run the world. If this article says anything, it’s that a generation of mentally challenged people primarily run the world and that absolutely tracks when I look around at the maga movement.
Bruh, I’m literally in both groups. I’m LGBT and neurodivergent. I’m not saying micro plastics are necessary for someone to be gay or neurodivergent, nor am I saying that it’s bad. Do you see it as being a negative when people try to figure out what leads to people being gay or autistic? I don’t. That’s just scientific curiosity.
Seems weird to assume that LGBTQ people must be the victim of something in order to be the way they are. It’s wild to assume that neutrotypical people run the world. If this article says anything, it’s that a generation of mentally challenged people primarily run the world and that absolutely tracks when I look around at the maga movement.
Bruh, I’m literally in both groups. I’m LGBT and neurodivergent. I’m not saying micro plastics are necessary for someone to be gay or neurodivergent, nor am I saying that it’s bad. Do you see it as being a negative when people try to figure out what leads to people being gay or autistic? I don’t. That’s just scientific curiosity.
Edit: clarified a sentence