Thanks for making this funny pic sfw.
That’s some anime censorship style camera placement
Come on, somebody’s got to link that video of the cameraman feeding the actors donuts
As you wish.
That’s hilarious. Actually got a verbal chuckle
Love the dude back-right filming the cellphone pov…
Gotta get those teasers ready for socials.
Fluffers gotta keep their energy up.
Also gets the taste of dick out of their mouth for a while
I suspect more people apply for the job that like the taste of dick than don’t.
When you’re hungry, but you can’t eat out.
#69 on the menu: Tucan-chu
Does the pie tastes more creamy to you too?
I wonder who’s birthday?!
He is birthday.
Darn it. I’m leaving it
Camera operators gotta eat!
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