Mind your business.

  • 132 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: April 18th, 2024


  • DeSantis marketed Florida with his own brand. Some things are outlandish, like the banning of fake meat. People do move to a state for the politics they agree with. People vote with their feet. CEOs change corporate headquarters because of politics. Talking with people who came from Hawaii, they decided to leave after the pandemic because of Draconian lockdowns. It seems the lockdowns really triggered the visible divisions on what is considered responsible government. You pay the expenses of living in the city, then you deal with authoritarian government that shutdown basically all your freedoms. That was the last straw for many. Florida did not do that and people saw that. The taxes are lower and the laws, for the most part, seem sensible. Disney threatened the marketing of the DeSantis brand and for that, it was taken to the woodshed. Ron does things to prove he is a conservative leader. No fence-sitting from him.

  • Since when did the US and NATO allowed sovereign governments to join anti-NATO and anti-US alliances? How is China an enemy? A nation that has at least 2,000 years of history, and does not have a colonial past the way Western countries had. China is the threat to US influence by de facto being a rising country that looks after its own interest. The US interferes all the time in other countries’ politics. They interfered with Ukrainian politics and their elections. The US had involvement in the 2014 coup in Ukraine. What was Victoria Nuland doing on the ground in Ukraine, on vacation? The Russians have too much pride to let themselves be subservient to US interests the way EU countries are. Look at Germany, it tows the American line, and they’re paying for it. Russia is not a threat to Germany. Russia is not at Germany’s borders. You don’t see T-90M tanks next door or missiles being aimed at them from next door. If Ukrainians respected democracy, they wouldn’t have staged a coup against a democratic government. They banned Party of Regions. Why can’t a country democratically vote to have economic ties with Russia? It is logical to have economic ties with your neighbors, even if you don’t agree on things. Diplomacy is important. Democracy for thee, but not for me.

  • I still don’t know what law you’re talking about. Most of the people crossing the border are requesting asylum and doing so in compliance with the law

    Most of the people crossing the border are requesting asylum and doing so in compliance with the law

    That is not the problem for the states or cities, that is the problem for the federal government. It is a federal policy, not a state, or city policy, so why are cities and states the de facto customs & border agency? Because the federal government fails in the duties it has given itself. You defeat your own argument.

  • The federal government is supposed to handle the migrants, not the locals, and not the state. When states and local governments have to handle migrants that is the duty of the federal government, why do the locals, and the state have to spend money for something it has no jurisdiction over? The federal government can’t fund the administration of its own laws. That is a fundamental government failure.

    • Government determines for itself it has exclusive control, determine policy, and execute it alone
    • Government can’t administrate, can’t fund, or provide adequate resources for its own monopoly of legal privilege.

  • There is no scientific consensus that gender-affirming care fixes the mental problems of transgenders. Psychological problems are complex. You cannot determine the cause of dysphoria accurately all the time. What people think will make them happy, does not make them happy, and what makes them sad isn’t always clear, because the right questions are not asked, or the answers are abstained. It is also clear that this type of dysphoria extends beyond perception of themselves, but what they expect from other people perceiving them. This doesn’t appear much different than a weird or different looking person being ostracized. Teens have suicidal ideation that have nothing to do with gender identity. Yet, how do we treat those versus transgender youths?