• 33 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: February 2nd, 2024


  • I’ve already heard of this - mainly thanks to the nuclear backlash it (and basically anything related to AI) is getting. Pulling out a particular highlight, here’s Ashley Lynch tearing the whole thing a new one:

    Stuff like this is perfect because it shows how utterly devoid of creativity genAI evangelists are. Great, you recreated a photo that already exists in a drawing style that only has currency because of who you’re stealing it from giving the world something with absolutely no value or meaning. I can’t tell you how excited I am that we’re literally burning the Earth up for this garbage.

    Every genAI techbro needs to be sent to the Hague to stand trial for crimes against humanity with how they’ve traded our future for this absolute bullshit. Straight up capital punishment for every one of these fucking losers responsible for cursing us with this garbage. I have zero chill on this issue anymore. They represent the end of humanity.

  • looking at the history of AI, if it fails there will be another AI winter, and considering the bubble the next winter will be an Ice Age. No minduploads for anybody, the dead stay dead, and all time is wasted.

    Adding insult to injury, they’d likely also have to contend with the fact that much of the harm this AI bubble caused was the direct consequence of their dumbshit attempts to prevent an AI Apocalypsetm

    As for the upcoming AI winter, I’m predicting we’re gonna see the death of AI as a concept once it starts. With LLMs and Gen-AI thoroughly redefining how the public thinks and feels about AI (near-universally for the worse), I suspect the public’s gonna come to view humanlike intelligence/creativity as something unachievable by artificial means, and I expect future attempts at creating AI to face ridicule at best and active hostility at worst.

    Taking a shot in the dark, I suspect we’ll see active attempts to drop the banhammer on AI as well, though admittedly my only reason is a random BlueSky post openly calling for LLMs to be banned.

  • New thread from Baldur Bjarnason:

    Keep hearing reports of guys trusting ChatGPT’s output over experts or even actual documentation. Honestly feels like the AI Bubble’s hold over society has strengthened considerably over the past three months

    This also highlights my annoyance with everybody who’s claiming that this tech will be great if every uses it responsibly. Nobody’s using it responsibly. Even the people who think they are, already trust the tech much more than it warrants

    Also constantly annoyed by analysis that assumes the tech works as promised or will work as promised. The fact that it is unreliable and nondeterministic needs to be factored into any analysis you do. But people don’t do that because the resulting conclusion is GRIM as hell

    LLMs add volatility and unpredictability to every system they touch, which makes those systems impossible to manage. An economy with pervasive LLM automation is an economy in constant chaos

    On a semi-related note, I expect the people who are currently making heavy use of AI will find themselves completely helpless without it if/when the bubble finally bursts, and will probably struggle to find sympathy from others thanks to AI indelibly staining their public image.

    (The latter part is assuming heavy AI users weren’t general shitheels before - if they were, AI’s stain on their image likely won’t affect things either way. Of course, “AI bro” is synonymous with “trashfire human being”, so I’m probably being too kind to them :P)