Artist, musician, and professional dumbass

Have a turtle for your troubles my good fellow 🐢

(Former ToR, I do transcriptions on here whenever I can!)

  • 0 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Saying they defeated fascists doesn’t imply there are no more fascists left.

    I can say I hunted deer, that doesn’t mean there are no more deer left in the wild.

    By referring to “fascists” (the people) rather than fascism (the ideology) you narrow your description to more accurately present the scope of your statement. The German Nazi party were fascists. They were defeated. We defeated fascists that day. There are more fascists, but that doesn’t mean we didn’t fight and defeat some number of fascists.

  • These people never seem to realize that even at its most basic level, ensuring equal rights and freedoms requires a level of forfeiting individual freedoms. In order for everyone to have equal right to physical safety, you forego your freedom to punch them in the face without consequence.

    These people go to talk about democracy, describe anarchy, then get upset when reality doesn’t meet their expectations. Your expectations don’t meet reality, bud.

  • Image Transcription: Image and Text

    This is a placebo meme.

    [A large image of two red and white pill capsules, with one placed to lean at an approximate 45 degree angle against the second pill, which is lying horizontally. There is text above and below the image.]

    Studies have shown that placebo memes are still upvoted even when users are aware they’re placebo.

    ^I’m a human volunteer transcribing posts in a format compatible with screen readers, for blind and visually impaired users!^

  • Image Transcription: Text and Image:


    This sets a dangerous example, and we need to talk about it.

    If you punch a Nazi like this, you’re going to break your wrist. Remember, make contact with the largest two knuckles (index and middle finger) and keep a strong wrist. You want to hurt the Nazi, not yourself!

    Stay safe out there and keep punching Nazis.

    This has been a public service announcement.

    [Two images shown side by side. The first shows a young man in a black shirt standing on a crowded sidewalk, his hand raised above his head in the historical “Nazi salute” with a lightly smug expression. There is a person’s hand holding up their middle finger prominently in his direction visible from the right side of the screen, but everything past their forearm is out of the image frame. In the second image, the same man in the black shirt is shown with his hand at his side, as a second man in an orange shirt is shown in the middle of punching the taller black-shirted man in the jaw. The fist of the man punching is angled slightly upwards at the wrist, so his fist makes contact at the knuckles on his fingers rather than using the flat surface of a typical punch. The image is captured before the man in the black shirt reacts to the punch. The hand holding up a middle finger is still visible in the right of the frame.]

    ^I’m a human volunteer transcribing posts in a format compatible with screen readers, for blind and visually impaired users!^

  • Image Transcription: Meme

    [‘Let me in’ - a two panel image of a man in a suit standing outside a closed metal gate, and shaking it vigorously in the second panel with his head tilted back and his mouth open screaming. The second panel also has small amount of motion blur. There is text at the bottom of both images.]



    ^I’m a human volunteer transcribing posts in a format compatible with screen readers, for blind and visually impaired users!^

  • Image Transcription: Twitter Post

    @[email protected], @nelson

    Lol the Twitter webapp is trying to load something from its internal graphql API and getting a 429 Too Many Requests response. Twitter’s JavaScript ignores the error and tries again, hundreds of times a second.

    Twitter is DDOSing itself.

    [An image taken from the sci-fi television series “The Mandalorian” that shows the protagonist “The Mandalorian” in their characteristic metal suit. Their face is obscured by their helmet. The subtitles underneath the image read the text “[sighs]”]

    ^I’m a human volunteer transcribing posts in a format compatible with screen readers, for blind and visually impaired users!^