• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023

  • Stuff like this wouldn’t bother me if it wasn’t for the fact states (like mine) are lowering the working age to 14, and it’s all my damn students talked about when I taught middle school - how excited they were to make money. If we still had some semblance of child labor laws, then something like this would be pretty benign; I wanted to work fast food when I was a kid, and plenty of kids like to pretend they’re store clerks or chefs. Not surprised it’s Chik Fil A.

  • It’s remarkably easy to deceive most Americans, at least, when it comes to certain countries. We’re pretty indoctrinated about what it’s “really like” in countries we don’t like. From cartoons we watch as a kid, to what they teach us in middle and high school, to what we see on news/documentaries and social media. By the time they claimed Russia was invading Ukraine for no reason other than Putin wanting land, that was all the information Americans needed. They happily accepted every pro-Ukrainian narrative and rejected every fact that contradicted it. The only media opposition were MAGA outlets who love Putin for conservative reasons, and this unreliable media minority was used to dismiss the truth as fringe conspiracy.

  • I can’t see it happening any time soon, tbh. All the shit with Trump is purely spectacle. If it does wind up coming to blows, it won’t be a civil war so much as the government/capitalist class dealing with pawns they can’t control. They like having this tension and media circuses about voting - it’s good distraction from all the wretched shit we’re doing, and if anyone talks bad about US foreign policy, they can be accused of supporting Russian and/or China. However, it’s possible some MAGA dogs might slip the leash if Trump doesn’t win, convinced they need to “save democracy”. In which case, I guarantee, the politicians on both sides will disavow Trump and push for a bipartisan crackdown on the “radical insurrectionists” - most of whom will probably get pretty light sentences or deals, after seeing a few (if any) of their comrades get killed by a police/military response. Then we’ll probably see new legislation cracking down on “radicalism”, which will be used to target leftist media and literature.

    There is the slight chance, I suppose, that Trump has enough popular support from people who would do something about it, and that the US might be too shocked by a widespread insurrection (an actual one, not that pathetic display on January 6th), that they actually force a response. Just speculating here, but I’d wager it’d just lead to a fascist transition with Trump as some kind of Mussolini so the capitalists and their politicians can stay in power, nobody in power willing to wage a civil war over it. After that, you could make an argument for a war of resistance, but we’re already making too many assumptions here.