Commiejones [comrade/them, he/him]

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Joined 2 年前
Cake day: 2022年4月17日


  • Wow! this is some of the stupidest shit I have heard in days. There are more citizens of the USA and UK that own property in Australia than Chinese citizens.

    Your “reportedly” statement is made up bullshit and the “ghost cities” were a lie. they are now full of people. Our backwards ass government can’t conceive of infrastructure until a decade after its needed and then they get bent over the barrel with budget blowouts that cost the taxpayers double the original stated costs. Meanwhile China spent a bunch of money during the financial crisis when materials and labor were cheap to build infrastructure and you act like it is a bad thing.

  • Due to the expansionist racial supremacist nature of zionism the 2 state solution can only come after zionism is defeated.

    In that world there is still an israeli population that have a different culture and governmental structure in mind than Palestine does. Are they to be punished for the sins of zionism? Do we support their being ethnically cleansed? Do those people not have a right to self determination? Is the grand plan to have the Israelis subjected to genocide?

    A single state solution would breath new life into zionism in the form of an insurgency. It would destroy the Palestinian state.

    You can’t “undo” settler colonialism. All you can do is listen to the displaced and support what they think is the best path forward.

    Maybe 30-50 years of peace after the 2 state solution is implemented things can change to make a single state, if that is what both nations want but you cant just go from israeli zionist state to a single state solution over night. Demanding absolutist “justice” for that undermines the peace process. As a Marxist Leninist we understand that there are stages between where we are and where we would like to be. This is where we differ from Anachists, they demand an absolutist destruction of the state where as Marxist Leninists understand that “the state withers away” after a time of transition under the dictatorship of the proletariat.

  • Here is an opinion post from the Washington Post.

    that’s not news that is an opinion piece that references Zenz who is a liar and Nazi sympathiser.

    The UN has done a fact finding Mission and they said there is no evidence of a Uyghur Genocide. It didn’t happen.

    Yes there are Vocational schools in Xinjiang but that is to teach people trades to lift themselves out of poverty. The only “culture” being erased is religious extremist terrorism that snuck in through Afghanistan when USA pushed the Taliban out of Afghanistan. Yes there was a rapid increase in birth control measures in Xinjiang but that is what happens when women are given education, economic self determination, and access to proper medical care. They get a IUD so they can focus on living their lives the way they want to instead of being slaves to men who use them as domestic servants and baby incubators.

    Zenz based his entire “genocide” theory off statistics and bad math because he is involved in the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation. It is an organization built to spread hate against communism. They hate Communism because the USSR killed 7/10 nazis that died in WW2. The large majority of “Victims of Communism” were Nazis and the people memorializing them are nazis too.