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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • What makes more sense? Setting the budget, acquiring the land, completing the designs, figuring out the logistics, and beginning construction for a mass transit system in the select cities that are viable for them or spending money fixing/updating infrastructure that already exist that is already in use ACROSS THE ENTIRE COUNTRY. Infrastructure that can be used for public transit like bus lines THEN starting projects for mass transit systems. Ppl use roads NOW and spending billions on mass transit systems while our current main form of transportation has been falling a part for decades in a country that is the 2nd largest economic zone on Earth makes no fucking sense. You’re idea is like installing solar panels on a house with holes in its floor.

    I don’t know where you get this idea that US road infrastructure is the only thing that gets funding considering American transit scores are about the same as its roads. They both fucking suck or I guess there’s a collasal difference between a D and a D-.

    Roads Transit

    The real problem is that you people don’t want public transport. Or rather, you want public transport but magically without affecting your cars infrastructure. So politicians have no incentive to invest in public transit, quite the opposite.

    Yeah because shifting 333.3 million ppl over 3,809,525 Sq miles of land to mainly using public transit by tearing down highways in Bumble Fuck Indiana and Middlefuckingnowhere Montana makes perfect sense. Not to mention changing the logistics of shipping select goods across the country.

    Also politicians have spent money on transit. 52 new systems and 124 extensions have opened in the past 20 years. It just takes fucking time to build public transit. Meanwhile ppl still have to go to work so tearing down highways before building public transit makes zero sense.

    It’s almost like different countries have different circumstances that can’t be applied everywhere else and being practical about your decision making so it doesn’t negatively affecting others you may not be thinking about is a good idea

  • Give up your cars for what? There is no viable public transit in the US. Amtrak is a joke and NYC’s subways are falling a part. Same for Boston, DC, and Philly. The most used public transit systems in the country. You HAVE to be car centric because that’s the only reliable mode of transportation inside and outside of cities. It’s going to take decades to improve public infrastructure to the point public transit is reliable.

    We should’ve done this 50 years ago but your blaming ppl for being carcentric in a country who’s public transit is almost nonexistent?

    Perfect example. I lived in DC for 4 or 5 years. The metro(subway) was on fire so much it was a common excuse for showing up late for work

  • Because of America’s greatest fear, that if we do something that benefits people, we might accidently help the wrong people. People who aren’t even white.

    You just explained how unions fell apart, pensions stopped being a thing, schools lost funding, college education went up, and social safety nets disappeared.

    I constantly come back to this quote from LBJ

    “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”