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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 26th, 2023

  • Link to studies please.

    Nobody is suggesting we feed cats tofu and spinach. The naturalistic argument and yelling “We don’t know!” a bunch really only works if you are proposing we feed cats only raw meat from fresh kills, what they would eat in the wild. Pet food isn’t a pet’s natural diet, vegan or not, and it all has to be fortified.

    I don’t believe in such a naturalistic argument though. Humans are able (key word, able, most don’t) eat healthier with modern diets. Why would we assume we can’t develop food that is just as healthy or even healthier than an animal’s natural diet?

  • PNG is fine for this. A palletized PNG on max compression would be smaller than the game and totally lossless unlike this. First you gotta take this image and map/quantize it to the original palette though to destroy the JPEG artifacts, which produce colors in between ones that would have existed in the game’s output.

  • This is bullshit because pet food exists where the proteins are denatured because some animals have serious allergies. Animals can build the proteins they need from the constituent parts. There are surely proteins unique to cats, where do you think they get them, cannibalism? Are you saying veterinarians recommending such products are harming animals?

    Also who said I have a cat companion, even if you were 100% correct about what constitutes neglect it would not apply to me. But you’re obviously not engaging in good faith and just want someone to paint as a monster. What’s really monstrous is we have an industry that brutally harvests billions of sentient creatures every year just to feed ourselves and other animals.

  • B12 is not an “extensive amount of supplements”. Furthermore your average contemporary nonvegan likely consumes way more supplements than a vegan just indirectly through livestock feed, including B12. Even ignoring the “animal” sources though, people these days consume a lot of supplements from cereals, energy drinks, table salt, and more. I’m not sure why relying on supplements would even be a gotcha in the first place though.

    Furthermore I’m not sure why it would matter that there exist healthy diets that include meat, like you said a mostly plant foods diet but including some fish. If anything that reinforces that there are other reasons for people abstaining entirely from animal foods. Veganism is way more than a diet, it is an ethical stance, and extends to far more than what we eat. It just so happens that what we eat leads to some of the most egregious abuses and also butts heads with culture because what we eat and what others eat is so important to us as humans. That’s why the way vegans choose to eat gets so much attention.

  • Floey@lemm.eetoCanada@lemmy.caI Like This Food Guide More
    12 days ago

    I find the checklist format for dietary guidelines like Dr Gregor does to be more compelling and easier to groc. These plates make it seem like you should fret about achieving a specific balance. It’s like when people try to achieve very specific macro splits, instead of focusing on getting the things their body needs (enough proteins, essential fats, fiber).

  • I’ve had to debunk this myth multiple times in this post already, I’m not sure who started it. Legumes do have all the aminos and in sufficient amounts.

    Also on bioavailability, it is a double edged sword. For example heme uptake is greater than mineral iron, but your body has very little control with inhibiting uptake when you already have adequate levels. With the mineral form your body has various ways to promote or inhibit uptake. The same is true of your example of vitamin A. You can pretty much eat as many carrots as you want and suffer no ill effects, eating too much liver or taking too many liver oil supplements however can lead to poisoning.

  • Not just meat, but veggies as well, would get a huge boost from looking at protein per calorie. In terms of available calories, vegetables are often very protein rich, especially the dark leafy ones, but they are also packed with water and indigestible fiber. Nobody is going to eat 2000 calories of spinach, but when spinach is on your plate you shouldn’t look at it as hurting your protein intake. Also a chart based on calories that had lines down the middle for suggested protein intake and suggested intake for bodybuilding would reveal that most whole foods that aren’t fruit are completely adequate, the only reason you’d ever have to eat a lot of the highest protein per calorie foods is if a large portion of your diet was refined sugars or oils. Supplementing your Oreo addiction with chicken breast is not a good way to think about a balanced diet.

  • Your post contains a lot of incorrect information. First of all, basically all plant proteins contain every essential amino acid. You can nitpick about certain foods being low in certain amino acids but void of them they are not which is what you are claiming. But also your statement on complementary foods is incorrect. Legumes and most vegetables don’t need to be complemented by anything. Certain grains like wheat are lacking, but quinoa is fine. Potatoes are lacking, but squashes are fine. Basically all fruits are lacking and just low in protein overall. “Don’t eat a diet of fruit and bread.” is a pretty big step from “It takes a large amount more work…”

    And this is tangential but we should be concerned about nutritional content in general, not simply the amino acid profile. Amino acids are simply just some of the many essential things our bodies need. Compared to vegetables like spinach, steak and eggs are by far more nutritionally incomplete.