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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023


  • Again with this bullshit.

    “As it comes to, particularly the creators out there, look, our view is, a lot of them have gone from hobbyists to professionals. And it’s part of our job to make sure they can do that and they do get paid and they see the monetary rewards if they make awesome content,” Howard said.

    This is such horseshit. This isn’t about “making sure that they get paid” this is about Bethesda getting a cut of those profits, nothing more nothing less. The way modding is right now is perfect, at least from a user’s perspective. You get everything for free but if you can afford it and want to then you can donate to the creator.

    There’s no need for a paid system because that excludes people who can’t afford to pay for the stuff. They are already excluded from official content because everything comes as a paid dlc nowadays and now you also want to exclude them from modding?

    I think this will only hurt the modding community and the only ones really profiting from this are the corporations.

  • Volt and the green party are two different parties. The European green party has roughly the same goals as your national green party but on an European level.

    As far as I can tell volt is similar to the green party but with sometimes more radical goals. I’m not sure if I’m understanding the trans European part correctly, but while (for example) the green party members always have their own countries benefit in mind volt works more focussed on European goals, strengthening the EU first and foremost.

    If you usually vote green volt seems like a solid alternate choice.

  • Walker sagt, er hat eine Wohnung im Wohngebiet gekauft und nicht im Industrie-Mischgebiet.

    Was ein Clown. Manche übertreiben es echt mit ihrem nimho Gehabe. Irgendwelche Schwachsinn aus dem Hintern ziehen um sowas loszuwerden “weil es nicht in die Nachbarschaft passt”. Hier gehts um Solarzellen in einem Garten hinter dem Haus, nicht um eine gigantische Phallusskulptur im Vorgarten. Typisch deutsch, Hauptsache gemeckert.

    Als Skizze hat der 82-Jährige eine allgemeine Erklärung des Reflexionsgesetzes von einer Online-Seite für Physik-Lehrkräfte geschickt: Einfallswinkel gleich Ausfallswinkel. “Das ist Physik und gilt auch in Deutschland im Kreis Tübingen”, fügt der Bauherr hinzu.

    Wahrscheinlich nicht der schlauste Zug aber fand ich extrem lustig.