I have been looking around at options for Granola that aren’t high in sugar and more nutrient dense.
I see dried blueberries in the stores but they are always coated in sugar. I buy the organic frozen from Costco.
I have been looking around at options for Granola that aren’t high in sugar and more nutrient dense.
I see dried blueberries in the stores but they are always coated in sugar. I buy the organic frozen from Costco.
I think they meant “1930’s Germany and today’s political climate”
So glad we have whole departments of #doctors and #scientists who will give us the truth and the science to help protect our #health… Oh, sorry… that was last year.
This year, the heroin addict in charge of the health department says drink some oil, it will make the imaginary #measles go away.
LOL!!! Not so fast…
Trump Crypto Rally Fizzles After Skepticism on Reserves Plan
Coins picked by Trump gave back some initial gains Monday Crypto experts are questioning the benefits of Trump stockpile
Oh yeah… that’s a great idea especially since Bitcoin has cratered in the last few weeks and people have lost over $2 billion on trumps scam meme coins.
Sure… what could go wrong?
Yeah, I was just pointing it out as the new contender. The reviews have been really good so far
Every year for I don’t know how long there have been the mass assortment of “Jodi is leaving!” “Peter is leaving” along with the “Ratings are horrible, show being cancelled!” and “Show is ending because ______” along with the “Worst season ever” and “Horrible writing, it’s the actor’s fault!” crap ----
He’s not going anywhere for a while.
Doesn’t include the just released Elegoo Centauri Carbon. The reviews and the $299 price point make it one to seriously look at.
If I was a stockholder I would be suing the board for mismanagement— we all know what the solution would be: get ride of #Musk.
From what I understand Musk and Larry Ellison are no longer the largest stock holders so for them not to get rid of him from management and the board is pure breech of fiduciary duty to the stockholders