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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023


  • Yes, so let me introduce this concept called “swing states” where it is not like NY. There, votes matter. So them voting does matter and have an impact. Either way, even if you know your state will go one way, the outcome of the election is still very impactful to citizens.

    You said the presidential election should be the least concerning election for everyone. That’s just wrong. Swing states have power and the president can impact everyone. It is very consequential to multiple people.

    If you’re upset that NY is always blue blame republicans who are against getting rid of the electoral college and having rank choice voting.

    Or you can just keep insulting me because I disagree with you, that’s a very Republican move.

    But sure, over turning Row v Wade hasn’t impacted you directly so it doesn’t matter. No one should be concerned about the president because big changes to law haven’t impacted you so they shouldn’t matter to anyone. Jfc… Some people were impacted you know, you are aware of that right? And that was a direct result of the president that was elected selecting a conservative justice. But hey, it didn’t effect you so it shouldn’t matter to anyone right?

    “Presidential elections in NY are the least concerning elections as they should be for every fuckin American.”

    You can say I have a comprehension issues all you want, but you seem to think all voters shouldn’t care about the presidental election because it won’t impact you in NY, big lol.

  • Revenue is one of the metrics that since stock prices. There are many, but the point is it’s not just all random speculation, it is metric driven.

    Maybe I “miread” what they’re saying because they’re not expressing it correctly. You said quality doesn’t matter in products, the stock market is all just guess work, and that you can’t run a 4:1 QA to dev ratio. All that is just clearly wrong. You’re saying these things so matter of fact like but they make no sense to anyone who’s worked with those things.

    No… People’s perceived value did not make the stocks go up. You said I misread, you clearly didn’t read what I said. COVID impacted revenue in an unpredictable way, that impact to revenue effected the market. Lots of crazy stuff happened during COVID, not all of it effected revenue. You act like the stock market is a bunch of people guessing, like there isn’t a massive skill to it. Knowing what to look for and what to track, that’s how a lot of investment firms work. Hiring people who watch market behavior and metrics.

    When you buy stock you’re investing in a commodity, just like gold. The value of that commodity is then impacted by many factors that can effect the value of that commodity. It’s not just guess work and make believe lol.

  • No no no. They do not set the ratio like it is knowing they will purposefully do a bad job. Anyone with half a brain can explain to a board why that’s a bad idea and the risk around it. Do you have any proof at all that companies knowingly build up a dept that will cost them a bunch of money and only prevent issues sometimes? No, that’s absurd. I have seen first hand as a developer, a QA resource cover up to 5 people without issues. I have managed teams, still do, that have a 1:4 ratio and keep up. It can be done and has been, just because you’ve not experienced it doesn’t make it impossible.

    Yes, this company taking some risk like in a movie, beeting them to market. And what if their solution causes massive issues due to QA not catching some critical bugs due to cutting corners. They forever lose that entire market. They company could be out of business instead of being able to still compete in that space. No investor would risk money like that. Where are you getting these ideas from?