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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 29th, 2023


  • At this point israel is on a mission to get America expelled out of every country in the Middle East.

    If the US needed a foothold they would make israel accept a two state solution with the Palestinians.

    Bibi flying in to order Congress around is also not exactly what I would call a show of force.

    At some point people have to ask why the tail is wagging the dog.

  • Based. Get wrecked Zionist troll.

    Origin of the term

    In April 2010, Queers Undermining Israeli Terrorism (QUIT) in the Bay Area, used the phrase pinkwashing as a twist on greenwashing, a practice where companies claim to be eco-friendly in order to make profit. Dunya Alwan was at a talk with Ali Abunimah, editor of Electronic Intifada in 2010, when he said “We won’t put up with Israel whitewashing or greenwashing” and she thought “or pinkwashing!”

    In 2011, Sarah Schulman used the term pinkwashing in a widely read The New York Times editorial arguing that Israel used the tactic in its public relations. Schulman saw pinkwashing as a manifestation of homonationalism, the processes by which some powers selectively agree with the claims of sexual minorities and exploit them to justify racism, xenophobia (rejection of foreign people), and aporophobia (rejection of the poor);