Lurkerino [comrade/them]

3D artist

  • 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023


  • Yeah it seem like its not worth it, I get that, I just want to be able to speak what I think freely with my family, cant even do that without ending in an argument.

    They were speaking about the farmer protests in Europe, later the conversation idk why went to talk about look how far we have come, I told them there is still stuff to improve, like wealth inequality, global warming, etc. His responses were basically “you are wrong for thinking about improving things, things are fine like they are” I cant deal with such idiocy without getting angry. I apparently have to be thankful for getting exploited.

  • First, my people skills are trash, thanks for the advice.

    Its fine if my grandma cant understand, I know she didn’t go to school, I don’t blame her, but my uncle is an engineer, he should be able to understand.

    Do I have to tell them how like half of the people my age I know are depressed and taking pills for how shitty our lives are so they get my personal feelings too? Everyone with a university degree at my age is gone from the country or working retail, I feel like he will say we are spoiled or some shit.

    These are the only family I have left, my mother was abusive and I ran away from home, my father was absent and later committed suicide. I have some anger problem from my abusive childhood, so I have a short temper and start shouting quite easily, If I cant deal with the situation I leave, I never try to be aggressive. I just have it so clear why our lives are fucked and If I tell them anything about how I really feel they don’t know how to deal with me. Do they expect me to simply be happy?

    If you ask, yes I’m going to therapy.