The worst kind of an Internet-herpaderp. Internet-urpo pahimmasta päästä.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 24th, 2023


  • how about somewhat proggy folky metal with death/black/power metal thrown in? Moonsorrow. Orchestral… not really, but melodic with mouth harps, fiddles, etc folk instruments & 8-30 min per song, mostly about iron age pagan tribe’s battles, lore and life. All of the songs in finnish tho, so some language barrier.

    Other than that, I’d probably go with Avantasia, Rhapsody, and such. Can’t beat the classics :)

  • not really sure what I’d categorize Moonsorrow as… I guess their earlier stuff has “some” overlap with powermetal, but only kinda, mostly about “iron age pagan tribe warfare/battles/life” tho. Albums I’m thinking of are “Voimasta ja Kunniasta” and “Kivenkantaja”, the newer stuff starts to veer towards blackmetal and more about death and despair, even if the frame of reference stays same-ish.

  • For the most part: Important everyday bookmarks go to the bookmark-toolbar directly, everything else goes to few top-level directories in bookmark toobar: games, software, hardware, wishlist, media, work

    the directories are then further sectioned into subfolders, eg games->gamename and so forth.

    Sometimes I do wish the directories would just automatically alphabetize themselves, but oh well.

  • if you use the archinstall to setup everything (partitioning, locales, de’s, etc), not that much, but def. more than some “everything and the kitchensink straight out of the box” distros. The installer worked nicely on 2 machines I’ve tested it on, a laptop and a desktop. While the base system and graphical desktop installed nice, there was quite a bit of manual tinkering left.

    But, steam works more or less the same on linux as it works on windows - but there is some proton version selecting, and even then absolutely everything doesn’t work.

    Personally, nvidia+wayland (and xwayland in general) is pretty horrid with some games, but supposedly that’s supposedly getting fixed next month… It’s always something and the fix is so tantalizingly close.

    and, it’s not like the EOL for win10 is that close, seems to be October 14, 2025, so there’s still plenty of time.