Great texture on the bone. Did you just wash with Agrax?
Great texture on the bone. Did you just wash with Agrax?
Love the skulls on the left side
+1 The axes are very cool
Great job. I still need to paint this guy.
Cool! I’m a fan of Imperium Maledictum, hopefully this is good.
These look great
Badass. What did you wash the armor with? Is it just nuln oil?
Looks great!
Thank you!! I did end up putting some quick contrast paint on the scope lens too 😂
Looks great! What did you use for the basing material?
I got into 40K by randomly watching some Luetin lore videos on YouTube and then becoming super interested in the lore. I’ve only played two games of Combat Patrol (against myself) using the models from the Leviathan box. 😅 It seems fun but is quite the time investment.
When I got into it I didn’t really consider the amount of hobby time investment required. I think it took me over a month just to assemble the models I needed to try out Combat Patrol, I still don’t have any of them painted, or even primed.
Then I tried out Kill Team and love it. It’s arguably just as complex as 40K, but much more approachable from a hobby perspective. It’s a blast too! I’d highly recommend trying out a game or two, the light rules are available for free online and they have an app too.
Great photo 💯
The models look great! I’m new here as well but excited to see the community grow.
The real value of Warhammer+ I see is in their Warhammer Vault. Imagine having all the previous lore and White Dwarf articles easily readable, tagged, and searchable based on the content. That would be worth the subscription full-stop.
The tech exists, they just need to invest in revamping it. It would be amazing.
Looks awesome. I wonder what format it will take. Single episode? Mini series? Interesting they called out that none of the footage was from the show. Hopefully there’s more where that came from.
I don’t have that setup but I went through a similar path. I had a dedicated spot downstairs but I find I paint in small sprints, usually 10-30 minutes at a time and I found it annoying to keep running back and forth downstairs. My wife got me an MDF painting tray for Christmas with spots for paint and brushes and a little working area. It’s been nice to be upstairs and spend more time with family while painting.