Maker of things

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • This video annoys me. There’s a trend in quantum physics where science has given way to what is essentially philosophy. This always seems to be driven by the inclusion of an infinity symbol and the acceptance of an untestable hypothesis. It’s not science if you can’t test it. Is there any evidence that would lead anyone to make the claims in the video? It looks an awful lot like someone came up with a story, then retroactively generated a justifcation for how it could be true, aNd tHeReFoRe mUsT bE tRuE.

    While I am in full support of kids having imaginations, even within the space of STEM subjects, in this case I think it dilutes the value of the channel which otherwise produces excellent content.