Pete Hahnloser

Green energy/tech reporter, burner, raver, graphic artist and vandweller.

  • 73 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • I don’t see Biden stepping aside. This is somewhat of a milquetoast piece that ignores the absurd amount of legwork that would need to be done. It’s not just a vote at the DNC; it’s turning a battleship around in terms of communications against a guy who would paint it in a particularly vile way as weakness. Which is to say, fucked either way.

    The only way this conceivably happens is Biden dies before the election, which I’m sure there are contingency plans for, but that is the ultimate in-case-of-emergency-break-glass situation.

    These thinkpieces about how Biden turned in a poor showing (he did) that also ignore that Trump was abysmal … I don’t know what to make of that. Biden was low energy and a bit rambly, but he at least allowed the truth to come out of his mouth once. That should not be the bar, but with the candidates we have, it has to be.

    I cannot understand how anyone watches Trump and thinks “this guy gets me.” He’s not the second coming of Christ, he’s the second coming of P.T. Barnum.

  • Daily watering is likely far too often … I’m not seeing quick useful links to peperone (as you can imagine, I’m getting a lot about pepperoni and pepperoncinis).

    But if this is a C. annuum cultivar, these are adapted to arid climates. Let the plants tell you when they need water (droopy leaves); they spring back remarkably quickly, like in under an hour. It sounds like you’re drowning them and ending up with other issues as a result.

  • I left Facebook in 2014, having had to rejoin because in that era, you had to have an account to get a job. Which is another topic but worth keeping in mind.

    If I don’t know why I’m somewhere, I leave. Rave, website, bar … these are all the same questions, just with less external pressure because you aren’t the product in the other two situations.

  • This is an underrepresented viewpoint. We are at the point of “find out,” which so many tech companies thought they could stay just to the other side of the line on. Thing is, you can only move the goalposts so often before they’re in someone’s yard, and they didn’t sign up for this shit.

    It was OneDrive upgrade nagging that made me switch to Linux. Microsoft could have, you know, not done that and kept a user. They also could have not gone regressive with how the taskbar functions. Or any number of other things that were dismissive of users.

    At a certain point, you’re sitting in ever warmer water in the pot, and it occurs that maybe you’re being turned into food. That’s when the Linux pots start looking appealing. This was a completely avoidable problem brought to you by greed.

    Greed! Because we don’t think making a good product is what capitalism is about.

  • And you would be … 🤣

    I do kid. I enjoy that we have the options to dive into the deep end elsewhere or just hang out in a space where bullshit is quickly quashed. I’m here for discussion and to be active in ensuring this is a place I never find myself regretting joining.

    Is it what everyone wants? Of course not, but that was never the intent of Beehaw to my knowledge. I’m glad you’re happy here and hope you continue to feel that way. And, you know what? Fuck anyone who tells you not to be happy with what you have. This is not Beehaw- or Lemmy-specific, this is life. Never let anyone else bring you down for what you’re comfortable with.