• 12 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 26th, 2023

  • I don’t think anyone but you has even remotely implied there’s some overall gold standard presented by penguin behavior that needs to be compared to humans. Simply the fact that other species have homosexuals, and those pairs can raise a “family” successfully. Compared to your mentioned standard humans don’t do so great sometimes either.

  • The low birth rates are a concern because they need the bodies to generate revenue so they can take care of old people who will lean on government services.

    Why should you care about population decline? Fewer people are good for the climate, but the economic consequences are severe. In the 1960s, there were six people of working age for every retired person. Today, the ratio is three-to-one. By 2035, it will be two-to-one.

    Some say we must learn to curb our obsession with growth, to become less consumer-obsessed, to learn to manage with a smaller population. That sounds very attractive. But who will buy the stuff you sell? Who will pay for your healthcare and pension when you get old?


    Ok, so what does that have to do with your question…

    What age group tends to be the biggest voting bloc, the most xenophobic, the most nationalistic…? Old people. Get those foreign people off my lawn, keep those foreign drug dealers, thieves, and layabouts out of my country.

    Then there’s exploitation of foreign labor to undercut wages and work rules of citizens of the country the labor is being imported into.

    I’m sure there’s more, but basically it’s a hefty dose of xeonphobia and nationalism along with groups not wanting to literally lose jobs to someone who will do it for a lot less.

  • TBH because of his physical presentation at the debate. Yeah, it’s short-sighted, but welcome to the public thought process. Whatever is churned thru the latest 15 minute media cycle seems to be what they believe.

    Doesn’t matter if he had a cold and was dosed up on NyQuil or whatever; his voice was weak, he stumbled over making coherent sentence multiple times, and he just had a blank, open-mouthed stare when between questions. I’ve had shitty colds and been drugged up with cold meds and I know that feel of being sore, exhausted, hoarse, and disconnected. You just want to go have a lie-down, not a public debate against a raging, insulting, narcissistic asshole. But it takes someone willing to understand all that and give Biden the benefit of the doubt.

    There are far too many that start from the “old” part and just attribute everything possible to that which they find disagreeable.

  • I’ll also offer the “sameness” of everything at malls. Let’s say you want jeans. There’s five shops that carry jeans. You want “normal” jeans, iow, not torn, not bleached, etc. Each shop carries jeans, but they are all some version of torn, worn, bleached, etc. For all the variety, they’re all the same.

    Plus, mall overhead and branding makes the shops quite often more expensive than you might find at something like a Target or even a Kohls.

    I’ve found that taking my kids to the mall to check out clothing we more often than not buy nothing despite visiting a half dozen shops. It’s all variations of the same thing along with being designer pricing.