• 65 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 5th, 2024


  • Songs are captioned in TV though and I see them include lyrics (when no characters are speaking) or a song title.

    I’ve never heard of that, or have I seen that in ANY media I’ve watched, got a source?

    Either you don’t understand what the word precedence means or (more likely) you’re deliberately missing the point so you can do what your post history is full of.

    Uhh… what…? Clearly you don’t, precedence means that it sets the bar for all others, (please provide whatever you’re using for a definition so maybe this can be cleared up and you can maybe show you aren’t a troll and actually meant to have a conversation) if nothing closed captions songs… how can that be precedence for it? If anything it’s precedence that nothing needs to do it, since anything with CC doesn’t do songs… again hence the shooting yourself in the foot with your point… but it’s not surprising you would need this explained again.

    It’s funny, I didn’t go through your post history, since it isn’t relevant to the conversation at hand, but there’s multiple things wrong with this yeesh. A, you also have comments that come out that way, it’s literally a personal perspective/opinion…. Fucking yikes if you need this pointed out…. and B it’s fallacious and is done to attack someone’s character instead of the points at hand.

    Why do you people always resort to stuff like this when backed into a corner…? You clearly have zero understanding of the topic, and talking about something completely irrelevant like it is, is only detrimental to any ACTUAL conversations happening. Common troll tactic, again, fucking yeesh lol.

  • Those words never came out of my mouth you petulant troll.

    You kept repeating the phrase, and I kept ignoring it since it was the most obvious bait ever.

    I get some people like what you do here, but you also cause a larger amount of people shit with your on and off ignorance. It’s obvious its attention seeking, get off social media and read a fucking book or do something with your “sad pitiful” life. You’re not incapable of working if you can spend this much time commenting on fucking social media.

    Yeesh dude….

  • It does shit me that older programs they could/can just put the treble clef symbol for music as you mentioned though.

    Old…? That’s the point dude, they still do it since there is no requirement (even in fucking tv) to cc music. Wow…. Music has NEVER EVER FUCKING BEEN CLOSED CAPTIONED.


    There is zero precedent and your point is just wrong, your example they don’t even CC the music in it… so how is it precedent for it on radio. Fucking yeesh. Your example actually proves there is absolutely zero precedent on anything for music closed captioning…. Hence shooting your fucking foot with your own point… can you comprehend that now? Or does it need to be explained even more simply for you……?

  • Are you mentally retarded or something? A I said country, not state… fucking yeesh….

    You haven’t provided me with any info as to why they haven’t risen in other places, but have risen in the US so arguably, you’re just factually incorrect by fallacy of logical reasoning!

    Uhh… you passed by comments with that info to get here dude… again, are you mentally handicapped or something? Because that’s about the only thing that could explain how fucking stupid you are.

  • SchmidtGenetics@lemmy.worldtoFuck Subscriptions@lemmy.worldEat shit Spotify.
    4 days ago

    Which has nothing to do with Spotify’s relationship to their customer, or elevators in buildings….

    That’s not an answer, that’s googling something and providing something everyone here has probably seen. And that’s probably exactly what they saw and decided to parrot without comprehending it has nothing to do with the topic, now there’s entire discussions of people defending and discussing it.

    Idiots that see your link, are going to think that it agrees with the moron since it’s shown as “proof”.

    What a bunch of fucking morons here yeesh. You’re also talking about licensing like it applies as well along with them, so yeah not you aren’t “just” doing that, you’re perpetuating this misinformation.


  • SchmidtGenetics@lemmy.worldtoFuck Subscriptions@lemmy.worldEat shit Spotify.
    4 days ago

    But for some folks, the elevator is completely essential. This dynamic resulted in making pay-to-ride elevators illegal in most places, today.

    So this is absolutely fucking hilarious and shows your surface level knowledge (or just googling something and having zero knowledge…) they are only illegal if they are the only means of transportation, every single one of the buildings with one these will also have regular elevators, so they meet the code.

    All the law did was prevent single elevator buildings from being able to discriminate. If a non-abled body person has another conveyance method, they can charge whatever they want. This is how amusement rides are able to charge AND have non ada accessible rides. And incase you didn’t know, elevator codes do cover amusement rides in most jurisdictions as well…

  • I use my truck every day for work, as well as drop my kids off at school.

    Working parents…. What a novel idea….

    I can’t afford to have two (four, wife as well……) vehicles, let alone the place to park them, as well as the time to go home and change vehicles, not to mention showering and clothes change so I don’t get the other vehicle dirty…. Before getting my kids after work.

    It’s almost like these trucks do exist for a specific use or something… it’s funny my braindead truck brain can think of this scenario, but your brain can’t…? How fucking retarded does that make you…? Fucking lol.