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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • Yeah I’ve lived this…

    Years ago I had a rash under my arm that wouldn’t go away, at first I thought it was just because I had swapped deodorant or I switched back, then I assumed it was now just aggravated because I was spraying stuff on a rash so stopped and was putting cream on it, after about 3-4 weeks it had spread around to my back and the wife saw it when I hopped out of the shower one night and told me to go to the doctor’s. I was like yeah guess I should, another week passed and she asked me to meet her at the shops after work, I arrive and she had booked me a doctor’s appointment… As soon as I took my shirt off the doctor gasped and said I had to go to ER immediately, I stupidly went home and had a shower first then went to ER, handed them the letter from the Dr and skipped the whole queue, triage nurse is slipping a cannula in and putting me on penicillin while I’m still being checked in… ended up in hospital for 5 weeks with a severe case of cellulitis so bad they brought the medical students passed me every morning…

    Thing is I felt fine the whole time, no pain at all, didn’t feel sick and the whole time they’re telling me it’s life threatening…

  • I’m not OP but I still think about a series of events at my first job.

    Would have been like 25 years ago, 3rd year plumbing apprentice and I was out on my own. Next job was for a real estate, the house was empty so I had to pick up the keys and then headed to the house, I was busting for a shit and the empty house was calling me. It was a blocked drain so I pulled up fast, cleared the drain before I shit myself and then went to open the back door… and the key didn’t fit, no problem I think as I heard around to the front… key still didn’t work. Fuck I’m in trouble here, there is no time to get to another toilet. I look around and see the access door into the crawlspace under the house which was pretty high, so I form a plan, use an empty bag to line a bucket and grab toilet paper out of the glovebox and head under with my homemade chamber pot. Do the business, tie the bag up and head to the bin to hide it. Once I open the lid I see the bin is completely empty… I can’t put it in there now so I put it in one of the big tool boxes on the back of the truck.

    I ended up getting fired the next day, back then I partied pretty hard and was constantly late etc so definitely don’t blame the boss. But the poop bag was never retrieved from the tool box. So at some point either the boss clearing it out or the next guy given that truck would have found a bag, opened it and see a big fat log.

  • My wife is OCD cleaner, I tell people and they’re like lol mine too… no brah. If she is stressed we have to change the bedsheets daily. Toilets and sinks are cleaned minimum once per day but more like 3 times. Vacuums the house 2 to 3 times, mops the whole fucking house 2 times and then like mops random spots 10 times a day. I do all this shit too on my day off while she is at work because I love her and don’t want her to do it all when she gets home and then if I forget one thing it’s an argument… and she will just redo it all anyways so I didn’t have to actually do it. Hours upon hours are spent cleaning. Sometime she is up in the middle of the night like 1am putting on a load of washing or unpacking the dishwasher