Ordinance is a local law or regulation. Ordnance is bombs.
Ordinance is a local law or regulation. Ordnance is bombs.
New AI:
IF $soil_moisture < $Dry AND $Temperature > $Warm THEN Print “Water your plants today”
I bet it was those japanese torpedo boats!
Most babies eventually turn into productive people though
To quote an old teacher “a little benzene never killed anyone, and it’s great for cleaning lab tables”
Turned out that actually, he was half right.
What listening to Andy Taytay does to you.
A revolution?
At this time of year?
Located entirely within your pants?
May I see it?
Total cost: couple of quid for a pint
Yet. Plenty of places are running hard in the wrong direction, even some mostly progressive countries.
The scariest lab centrifuge i’ve personally seen went to something like 100k rpm, and 800,000 g. It’s basically a cartoon safe with a piece of lab equipment inside, because when something fails at 800,000 times the force of gravity, it’s going to end up outside the city borders, or inside the next building over.
I agree, but you aren’t. I think all IP law is stupid, but until i’m president of the universe, it’s still the law.
Hell, look at SCOTUS Justice Jackson. Despite all of the “anti DEI” rhetoric, she’s literally the most qualified person to have ever been confirmed to the position. Bar none, hands down, no lies.
There’s an amazing quote from Ruth Bader Ginsburg. She was vocal about there needing to be more women on the US supreme court. She was asking how many women she’d like there to be, and she answered “9 women” (meaning all of them). When the interviewer reacted with shock, she simply asked him why that would be so bad, since they were obviously fine with having 9 men on the court.
It’s a great illustration of how badly we all need to switch thinking. Of course, Equity feels really unfair to those previously enjoying privileges.
It worked for the Nazi army right?
I understand none of the hints, except the worst one.
But then, I only know the first 3 eeveelutions by name, sooo…
Micropipettes ftw!
Wow, dental drills spin stupidly fast. I never realized they’re jamming something in my mouth that makes a turbopump seem sluggish, and that makes the scariest laboratory centrifuge I’ve ever seen blush in shame.
I mean, I totally agree with all forms of breaking IP law on ethical grounds. But I also recognise that it’s still breaking the law right now.
Also, most farmers use hybrid crops, which you already can’t save, because they’re hybrids. (You can save them, but they’re not going to produce the same plants you get them from).
That entire page says “this would be a bad thing to exist”. But it doesn’t. There are no commercial terminator seeds.
Or they had little clay horses as well