Others have given direct context but general context within Canada is that the federal parties and provincial parties are only tangentially related. However I would say historically Ontario has had the provincial parties most closely aligned to their federal counterparts.
Ontario also had a very odd habit of always voting in opposition to the federal party in power. (IE feds are liberal so we go conservative). Ford actually recently called an early election precisely because he was worried that PP would be in power federally which would have drastically harmed his performance if Ontario had its election as planned.
One thing I haven’t seen mentioned here but is in the article is how odd it is that he turned down P but met personally not just with our new PM Carney of the liberals, but with Christia Freeland one of the most prominent federal liberals. She is also now the minister in charge of internal trade. Something currently both (if not all) parties are closely aligned on solving.
apologies I actually meant to put the archive link in the post but seem to have forgotten.
As to why I would post a pay-walled article is simple; I believe if we want to continue having quality journalism in this country it is something we need to appropriately fund. We can’t rely on only the CBC (and not just because PP and the cpc want to destroy it). As far as I can tell this is original reporting from the Star so I do kinda feel it is morally correct to link to them first. (although I do not disagree with archive links for paywall bypass maybe that makes me a hypocrite… meh)
I feel its also especially important to fund the star right now as it is one of the last Canadian owned mainstream news outlets that isnt distinctly right wing (even if it is slowly drifting to the right imo) and isn’t ideologically driven (IE Press Progress, CanadaLand).