I’m sure this guy will say “great idea sir!” When Trump suggests nuking a hurricane…
I’m sure this guy will say “great idea sir!” When Trump suggests nuking a hurricane…
Fuck you, Jeff.
Unfortunately for me, my high school French teachers never taught me how to cry.
Unfortunately, the trick for learning a language is exposure.
I don’t think he’d change position if the VP pick wasn’t all but guaranteed to him.
I think that settles that he’ll be the VP pick for Harris.
AI, at it again.
I mean, why not both?
My dumb brain was too busy trying to make a joke about irrational numbers to not even notice one had been made for me.
Nah, that’s a natural number. An irrational lead would be if he lead by π or something like that.
Soon-to-be former doctor.
But I doubt that will make him regret what he did. He’ll probably blame the “woke leftists” for “silencing him”.
The final hilarity would be Elon forcing Twitter to re-enable SMS based tweets, then hackers using it to fake tweets from Elon himself.
It’s one happy meal, Ellen. What could it cost, $25?
That way, in a few years, they can announce a bigger commitment for positive PR that they have no intention of keeping.
“Corporate commitments to environmental problems turn out to just be fluff for positive PR”
Really need to start taxing wealth, and not just income.
Someone told them the problem was just “too many variables”, so they figured by taking away sensors, there are fewer variables. Therefore, better self-driving.
It’s still nowhere near any standard we should expect to trust this technology, which is a flawed solution to a problem that doesn’t really exist.
I believe a huge chunk of Tesla’s valuation is based on their automation tech, despite having very little real success towards full automation. So they have to focus on that and try to prove they can deliver.
But I’m guessing they won’t succeed, as there are fundamental flaws with the technology itself, that can’t be solved by throwing more sensors at the problem.
You think it ends with Iran? Trump threatening to nuke Canada if they don’t give the US a beneficial deal on lumber could be on the table…
The guy “stopped war with France” after all.