• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • My latest day-job employer has made the switch from Apples (and s20fe) to pixels. The staff - mainly nerds - is actually generally pleased with the switch.

    If the embarrassment that is Purolator (our national postal service offshoot courier ‘service’) was adequate last week, not only would they break a 20-year streak but also I’d’ve had my shiny company pixel by now and could pepsi-challenge it against my wife’s shiny new company iphone.

  • I built and maintained Open-source software.

    I worked for SCO during the time when the rabid halfwits were weaponized by IBM to vilify everything SCO did or didn’t do via Pamela-the-ex-IBM-employee’s ‘totally impartial’ website. SCO was, and remains, the best job and work environment ever.

    My software was surely used by nefarious types. But by that time, I was done with it: I code it, I build it, I distribute it, and then it belongs to the world. You can’t have it any other way, really.

    And, one day, find out what really happened with SCO/IBM.