I mean I could just spray a hose up there, couldn’t I?
I mean I could just spray a hose up there, couldn’t I?
We had the roof replaced two years ago. I believe they redid all the flashing at that point. So there’s a chance this could be old? If the leak is resolved, which I’ll verify, do we have to do anything to the wood or are we good?
The racing season is over for me and now I’ll spend the rest of the year building up miles as I try to hit my goal distance for the 2023. I’m trying not to lose any of the gains from this year by maintaining two speed workouts per week while also increasing mileage. The objective is to avoid injury by doing shorter speed working and slowing way down on the easy miles.
This is why I avoid other sports. Or hobbies. Or relationships. Or proper meals. Can’t get distracted!
Malazan Book of the Fallen is one of the best brick walls I’ve ever put my head through.
Hejsan! Jag är amerikan men bodde jag i Sverige några år sedan. Tack så mycket för dina råd. Det kan var lättare i Sverige för sådana saker, tror jag.