Epicurean Revolutionary Libertarian Socialist

I make FOSS things:

wiki-user: db0

  • 339 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Meanwhile England created a man-made famine in Ireland and oversaw 15 of them in India, while the US straight up did the worst genocide the world has ever seen and is driving the climate catastrophy which might end up killing most of the humans on earth. Not defending socialist states, but there’s not even a comparison here.

  • Death of the Author applies here. One can’t prevent how others interpret their work. The same way a neonazi org might use your work for propaganda, is how leftists repurpose Stonetoss comics for their own purposes. Or rather, it’s not that you can’t prevent it, it’s that the means by which you would try to prevent it, would create a functional dystopia.

    If someone acceptable were to ask me, I’d let them use my work without compensation.

    Personally speaking, I hate permission culture.