Look, all we know is, that it’s warm and heating costs are increasing every year.
Hello, it is me.
Look, all we know is, that it’s warm and heating costs are increasing every year.
Unverbindlicher Vorschlag: Richte eine Rufumleitung an den Diensteinteiler ein, dann muss er selber ran. 😎
Und wie kommst du jetzt über den Badesee?
That’s how the deep state gets you
Which is infinitely cooler
Was hat denn jetzt Rauchen mit Autounfällen zu tun?
Man findet verschiedene Zahlen im Netz, wie viel Lebenszeit Rauchen kostet. Hier z.B. https://www.gdv.de/gdv/themen/leben/rauchen-kostet-bis-zu-sieben-lebensjahre-35292 wird von bis zu 7 Jahren gesprochen. Die Nichtraucher Lebenserwartung ist aber nicht nur 57.
Ich bleibe bei meiner Aussage.
Wirtschaftlich gesehen ein totaler Reingewinn. Steuereinnahmen während des Rauchens und danach eingesparte Rente.
Bin aber natürlich trotzdem froh um jeden Nichtraucher. Um deren Leben und aus purem Eigennutz, den Rauch nicht passiv einatmen oder riechen zu müssen.
Sorry, you can say what?
Kind of sad they “used to”. Never forget mushroom bro. 🥲
I reload when I miss dialogue. Some people…
Anyone knows why Spotify needed 9000 employees in the first place?
What is it called, when you are a highly functional, somewhat extroverted but also burdened with crippling social anxiety? Asking for a friend.
If I learned one thing, when talking with people about stuff like that: Most people unfortunately don’t care. Many don’t even have an ad blocker to begin with.
That’s 0 kB wasted.
Interesting take. I wonder if the amount of platform dependent bugs is generally that low for games. I’m a developer, but not a game developer. I would assume that platform dependent stuff comes into play a lot more, when using shiny new tech like direct storage, which is probably used more by AAA titles and less by indie games?
Most people, including myself, seem to agree, that ads were never the problem. When YouTube started, it had ads too and nobody cared. But the ads got worse and websites started to shove them down our throats. I miss the times of a single banner below a video. I don’t think Google and all the others realise just how much determined nerds can achieve. So far the ad blockers seem to win the race, minus some minor setbacks.
I would vote for him. The US of A are lacking honey for at least two presidents.