• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • I think I am just going to do something for you, and everyone here. I’m not ready yet, but I am in discussion with the government in relation to this project already.

    I think I will be able to do it with the support of our government, rather than trying to fight them for it.

    The only thing I need really, is for everyone to trust my broken mind, and support me if you are able to.

    And understand that I am severely autistic, I suffer from so many things, so I don’t like to be bombarded too much. Well, the problem is that I do like it too much. If I had all the time in the world, I would read every word every one of you had to say, and respond in kind. And try to find a solution to your problem (tell me if you don’t want that, I encourage you to come up with your own!)

    So for now, I’d rather limit my communication to this thread right here.

    Because I need you to trust me, I am going to share my life with you as best I can, without trying to inflict too much of my personal suffering upon you. If you find emotional trauma difficult to read about, consider that.


  • It’s really hard to try and remain positive, especially when there are so many big problems getting so much attention and these are problems you can personally feel and relate to - or know someone close who can.

    It goes on to create a feedback loop and your baseline can get so low that positive isn’t even a thought. If you’re lucky you have enough emotional support or numbness, maybe medication as well. But they can’t fix the underlying problems.

    One thing is for certain, the system as we know it is not sustainable, it cannot last, and it will have to change. You just cannot have infinte growth with finite resources no matter how you want to slice it.

    Can it change fast enough, gracefully, remains to be seen.