An eclectic #nerdy #weirdo.

In addition to tech, #Linux, and other things #FLOSS, I’m also into #travel, jam bands (mostly Grateful Dead), music festivals, and anything related to exploring the #cosmos.

All puns are intended.

#actuallyautistic #deadhead #hockey

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Usually, I just smoke cannabis until my body goes “TIMBEEEEERRR!” ;-P

    Seriously, though, routine plays a big role. I tend to lay down/wake-up at around the same time every day. About an hour before I go to bed, I put on a comfort TV show & brush my teeth. At this point, notifications are being silenced on my phone until the next morning, so less incentives to pick it up. While I’m watching the show, I intermittently close my eyes for a few minutes as a signal to my brain about the direction we’re heading, helps keep the peanut gallery in my head from getting chatty right as I’m laying down.

    White noise while I sleep is required, I need something constant that covers-up the incidental noises. Otherwise, I pop awake when someone runs the faucet or what-have-you.

    That’s what I’ve figured out works for me, YMMV.

  • “Stable” doesn’t necessarily refer to “reliable,” depending on the context. Stable is often used in reference to how often a distro releases new versions of the applications. Using Audacity as an example, in the current release of the distro, they’ll release security & bug fixes for version 2, but if you want version 3, you’ll have to wait until the next distro release.

    Upgrades to a new version of an application can introduce new ways of using the app (i.e. icons in different places, how user-created files are written to disk, etc.), which is disruptive to enterprise op’s, which is why Debian & RHEL take this approach.

    Hopefully that helps clarify things.

  • I definitely prefer it over Snaps or appimages. Straight-forward to update, and Flatseal provides a nice GUI to control permissions (if needed). Themes may not work properly, but whatever, not a big deal for me.

    The distro’s repo is always my go-to. If it’s not available there, then flatpak, and I’ll use appimage under duress. If that doesn’t work, I’ll figure out a different solution.

  • Can’t say that I’ve really used any of the features mentioned in this list, so doesn’t really affect my experience negatively. Also, updating some icon sets to fit with the overall theme would provide a more unified experience. So two thumbs-up from me for removing code that, by & large, wasn’t getting used, should help maintaining it in the long run.