The real correct answer is that it only works mod 4
The real correct answer is that it only works mod 4
A QA tester walks into a bar,
orders a beer,
orders 2 beers,
orders 0 beers,
orders 4294967296 beers,
orders -1/12 beers,
orders HGdIhFNPiHPWUDmUfWIFi beers,
orders a zebra
First real customer walks in,
asks where the bathroom is,
the whole bar catches on fire
xrandr. afaik, there’s no (standard) way to set display resolution from the command line in wayland. also, there’s no equivalent of xkill, so in order to kill an unresponsive gui app, you have to grep for its pid in
, which can get a bit tedious and annoying, especially for programs which spawn multiple processes.