• 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • paddirn@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldStay Mad, Tankies
    1 day ago

    Still voting Biden, but this feels an awful lot like many past elections where people are holding their nose and voting for a candidate they don’t necessarily like just because they really don’t like the other candidate: Bush v Gore, Bush v Kerry, Clinton v Trump. Those elections never seem to turn out good.

  • Incredible game that can be a little jarring for people who are probably expecting something like Baldur’s Gate 1&2, Fallout 1&2, or some other kind of isometric killfest RPG. It essentially turns the dialogue into 90% of the game, but the dialogue is so damn good that it doesn’t matter.

    It also takes getting used to damage, as sometimes you can “die” in seemingly random ways. I was on a rooftop, I think trying to reach for a scarf or something, and failed my roll. That caused me to apparently get so depressed that I lost the game. I can’t remember which stat/trait it was but I think there’s a morale or mental trait you have to watch out for too.

    Pirate this game if you wanna give it a try, don’t ever buy it. This is what the developers have advocated for and it actually fits right in with parts of the game itself.

  • Part of these past two elections feels like it’s just the hubris of the top candidates, unable to bow out or allow anyone else to stand in for them. 2016 was Clinton psyching herself up to be The First Female President and thinking that Trump was a joke (most of us did see him as a joke candidate and that’d it’d be a cakewalk). I think in Biden’s case, he didn’t see any other strong mainstream Dem contenders and felt he was the best shot the Dems had at beating Trump. They seem to completely ignore their progressive wing and just assume they need a centrist candidate to have a hope of winning. I just wish he’d change his VP pick, Harris is just dead weight. He needs to shake-up his campaign and pick Stacy Abrams or something (though obviously this didn’t work for McCain/Palin).

  • Yeah, I mean, nevermind all the pending criminal charges and evidence of incompetence from Trump’s 4 years in office where we had weekly “infrastructure week” failures, a constant stream of garbage tweets parading as “official Presidential communications”, and egregious power grabs by the Executive branch. Trump said all his same BS in a more convincing-sounding voice during last night’s debate and the guy with a known stuttering issue just didn’t have a strong-sounding voice, that’s all the convincing I needed. Biden is just so old, I literally can’t tell them apart <teeheehee>!

  • I can waste my time going through that exercise, but it’s pretty clear to any thinking person that that’s what the plan is on the Republican side, just look at the words, rhetoric and actions they’ve been taking for the past 10+ years. Otherwise, you’re maliciously asking me to go through the mental effort of writing up an attack on Trump that you’ve already decided to ignore and/or counter with some feeble bad faith argument. You’re a waste of my time and everybody else’s.