woah holy shit a bio?

  • 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Hard deadline huh?

    Usually a hard deadline means something quite literally can’t go beyond that date. Like “hey guys, Kursk literally has all our food, if they don’t get it back by the end of September we’re probably going to all starve” or “Kursk has the only insulin stock in the whole country, we’re gonna have a lot of dead diabetics”, “take Kursk back or you are all fired and heading to the front” and in this scenario I’d even settle for “if you guys don’t take Kursk back, I’ll glass the area as a nuclear test site.”

    Deadlines can’t be hard if there are no consequences.

    Edit: I mean if it were me being a stupid strongman dictator I would totally nuke an enemy controlled region within my own borders after designating it a test site. If any of the nukes were still working of course.

  • I mean… Yeah that’s what I said. Higher demand, Airbus charges more for planes that are less likely to kill you.

    Personally I’d rather get on a plane that is less likely to kill me. Even if it’s more expensive? Or maybe I’ll find another mode of transportation that seems more reasonable for the price? Sure statistics still say flying is safer, but safety isn’t the only thing in this optimization problem.

    But, I also don’t fly regularly. I hate crowds, I hate MRI machines, and I hate falling from 35k feet. The price of a plane ticket going up because Boeing can’t get their shit together and stay in business does not seem like it will change life much for most people.

  • The only counter I have to that is how sensitive our brains are to chemical, mental, and physical trauma.

    Drugs, injury, and environmental stress cause easily observable behavior changes, but also changes on the brain measurable in medical imaging. And there’s a lot of acknowledgement that these changes can occur in childhood and persist.

    I don’t think anyone chooses to be cruel, I think it’s forced on them in ways they can’t do anything about, and as a society we owe it to them to do better and help them.