• 35 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 19th, 2024


  • Also, Monerotopia is once a week. I think there is room for someone to do another podcast, maybe not entirely dedicated to Monero, but something that is themed on privacy, yet rarely let’s an episode pass when he/she does not mention Monero. Speaking of SHE. Where are all the WOMEN standing up for private digital cash? Is there something in their DNA that screams “I want to be your slave”? Oh, no, wait that must have come from last nights dream. Seriously though, why aren’t more women speaking out about freedom. There’s Mel K, Ann Vandersteel, and Sarah Westall, and Whitney Webb. all truth tellers, but never mention Monero. I personally would like to see Ann Vandersteel on an interview discussing Monero.

  • My fellow Monero enthusiasts,

    In the pursuit of our cause, let us be unequivocal: we will not support any reduction in privacy or anonymity. These are the pillars upon which Monero stands, the very essence of our mission. The moment we allow these principles to falter, we risk losing the sanctuary we have built. It is then that we must seek refuge elsewhere.

    The likes of Russell Brand and Glenn Beck may not grasp the profound necessity of the privacy and anonymity that Monero offers, but we do. We understand that our goal is not to appease the existing system, but to transcend it. We have borne witness to enough theft, war, and hegemony to last a hundred lifetimes. The time has come to cast aside any semblance of compromise in our messaging. Privacy and anonymity are non-negotiable.

    Are we not the central bank killers that Satoshi envisioned? Are we not the vanguard of a new era, where financial sovereignty is reclaimed by the individual? Now is not the time to waver. We must weather every storm that comes our way, for there will be many. But united in our unwavering commitment to privacy and anonymity, we shall prevail.

    Let us march forward, resolute and unyielding, in our shared mission. Together, we will ensure that Monero remains a beacon of freedom in an increasingly surveilled world.

    Privacy and anonymity, now and forever!

  • I have Monero that I will be looking to spend on essential materials for survival. Today, that is not possible. The only things I can purchase with Monero are things that I don’t need for survival. If we can’t make that happen, all the tech in the world isn’t going to improve the utility for Monero. Catering to a fringe techie community will not get us there. I suggest that we create a task force and fund it through a CCS if need be in order to promote Monero. Outreach to businesses that will change their minds and begin accepting Monero for everything is essential, but none of the XMR donations seem to go toward that. I haven’t been around that long and am sure there’s things going on that I am unaware of, but the high visibility influencers I’ve seen don’t seem to be emphasizing this angle. We should be bringing this up front and center on Matrix rooms, Simplex, Session, Bastyon, and Monero.town more regularly and there should be people getting paid some amount of Monero to carry ideas discussed to people outside the Monero community.

  • It’s not wrong that you question your own beliefs. I think with new information being revealed every day after a lifetime of being fed propaganda, we all should be going through some of that. However, I strongly believe that airing all those thoughts and philosophies in a focused group like Monero can splinter the unity of the cause that we all support. That cause is the importance of private, decentralized, digital cash. The more we stray from topics related to that core focus, the more likely we will, as a group splinter and become ineffective as a block. While it’s hard to be completely disciplined about sharing our particular concerns with various forms of government, I think we should all continually attempt to reel ourselves back in when we’re beginning to spend too much time discussing politics in a forum about supporting private, decentralized, digital cash.

    • More time spent on activities related to things like negotiations with POS terminal manufacturers implementation of Monero for all retail transactions worldwide.
    • Less time spent on discussing national borders, government handouts, identity politics.

  • I look forward to the day when all the people that “invest” in Monero have lost interest and moved on to greener pastures. Most of the folks in this community, at least the vocal ones, are more into expanding it’s usage, promoting the build-out of the circular economy and helping spread the word to the “normies” without becoming brain damaged maximalists that can’t really explain the value of their coin in coherent terms.

    Another thing I look forward to is slowly phasing out any discussion of comparisons to and with Bitcoin. The ship has sailed and Monero WON. The two crypto-currencies now have less in common than they did several years ago due to several factors:

    • The delisting of Monero from Centralized Exchanges worldwide has removed it from the pick list for most CEX’s, therefore taken it off the radar for those swapping in and out of various crypto’s for profit.
    • The crackdown on any privacy tools associated to Bitcoin makes clear to the public that Bitcoin’s authorized uses will be very minimal going forward, and being part of a circular economy in a peer to peer exchange will not be happening with BTC. This coin has been captured by the cabal and therefore, unable to fulfill any of it’s original missions as outline in Satoshi’s white paper.
    • The capture by the stock markets and Big Banking with the formation of numerous ETF’s, based on derivatives which re-hypothicate (i.e. counterfeit) BTC to a point where it more closely resembles an over-valued tech stock than it does a bonafide cryptocurrency. Also, the ETF has affects on the price that DO NOT resemble that of crypto-currencies. It’s like trading forex on the commodoties market, apples and oranges.

  • Can we make a Matrix or Session group to track this instead? Here’s what a comparison of Session to SimpleX said: “To summarize – SimpleX is a broken and messy thing, but it is very cool.” I don’t use a smartphone very much and desktop apps that work well are few and far between. It seems like everyone is trying to drag me to their favorite messenger without providing any additional benefits in anonymity and security. I wouldn’t mind if SimpleX had binary installers for more distro’s, but that territory rarely gets covered adequately in early adoption.

  • When I hear about integration with any other centralized platform, I see it as a potential attack vector. I’d stay far, far away from this integration unless and until it’s had years of rigorous testing. You do know that the NSA hacked Tucker Carlson’s Signal account to discover and warn him against traveling to visit with Putin, right? Signal has been compromised by the same groups that are opposed to liberty and sound money.

  • Bitcoin has lost it’s status as a viable crypto-currency, starting when ETF’s were created, which had the effect of fiatizing what was before immutable, now has adopted all the worst properties of fiat money, the concept of derivatives. Derivatives is simply fakery by large institutions to get the benefit from each unit of money multiple times. These large institutions have a monopoly on this behavior. It is not possible to behave this way on an individual level. Great care should be taken as any potential new crypto-currency intermingles with the existing financial system. The Monero community has the benefit of learning from each mistake made with Bitcoin, and preventing that with it’s own digital cash.

  • I do not believe we have the price stability to be useful in lending applications, but if I were to do it, I’d be sure to take possession of collateral enough to completely repay the balance of 177 Monero. Otherwise, you’re just asking to be taken for the fool. Signing over the title to their car might serve as collateral, where you hold a paper title that’s he’s physically signed over to you, then you just don’t register it in your name, so the DMV still thinks the car is his. If he breaks the loan contract, you register the car in your name and have it repossessed legally. Still, I’d only do that if you know he can’t move away easily. Interesting application, though, I’d like to hear more real world applications like this.