Little bit of everything!

Avid Swiftie (come join us at [email protected] )

Gaming (Mass Effect, Witcher, and too much Satisfactory)


I live for 90s TV sitcoms

  • 124 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023

  • I went on facebook as an experiment for a couple of weeks, try it out again, even take part.

    Algorithm quickly caught on that I liked some interests - transit, trains, Taylor Swift, and EVs.

    It was fine for a while, made a few comments, engaged with a few people, both who agreed and not.

    All of a sudden over the last week I’m seeing just pure propaganda - BS “headlines” like “50% of Americans regret buying their EV”. Absolutely unproven horseshit, but there it is.

    Facebook is absolutely culpable in this mess. They straight up promote it, and for me I was pro all of that stuff, it switched on me.

  • Correct, JSON can handle any precision, because it’s just dumped as a string anyway, just not enclosed in the "". However, as you mentioned, as soon as it comes through the parser it’ll put it into an underlying float value. In C# I create a save high precision attribute that will take the value and put it directly into a decimal. In JS I’m sure there’s some way to do that, but that parser is way less extensible compared to C#. However, this also all assumes you know the client will parse it correctly, overriding the default behavior. Safest is to just send it as a string, and then create your parsers to automatically send to and from strings

  • The fun differences between the perfect world of theoretical and the realistic. Everyone thinks of computers as perfect - but it’s not until you’re asked to solve “How do you store decimals using only 0s and 1s?” does it start to click. Not as easy. It’s why I’m hesitant to hire bootcampers into my roles. Bootcamps are great, and they get more people coding, but you don’t learn that theory behind the scenes - you don’t really know what the computer and operating systems are doing. For 90% of the time it doesn’t matter, it’s abstracted away - but that last 10% man, that can really fuck up an entire system.

  • Not a bad reason to want to play as yourself at all, but after the first playthrough or so then it’s time to start experimenting. One of the great things about RPGs is that you can be someone else entirely, and I think it opens us up to other ways of thinking. Playing as female shepard is at times a completely different experience, and you just want to explore it. It’s the guys who are afraid of playing as a woman, who think it’s not masculine or something weird like that. That’s not okay, drop the masculinity, be the awesome femshep bitch you were born to be. Plus to them, I like to say, “Why would I want to stare at a guy’s ass for 100+ hours?” Usually fucks with their masculinity a bit

  • I know it’s weird here on the fediverse, but I’ve been through it. If you want, DM me anytime, or DM me and I can give my mastodon. Should probably start a community sometime. It’s been good talking to you too!

    I wish you luck, but be prepared for anger in response. Just be ready for it. Make it not about the politics but instead the hate, the anger. Hell try to make it about politics but instead make it about the hate. It’s not about Biden or trump, it’s the anger.