Soviet Entropy

  • 13 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 29th, 2024


  • Soviet Entropy@lemmygrad.mltoMemes@lemmygrad.mlRule
    22 hours ago

    Literally a broken chain.
    You could make a movie called ‘The Folly of the Phallus’ where a man shoots himself in the foot everytime he feels emotions and people would idolize the main characters and complain that the message wasn’t clear enough.

  • The reason for the VAT (in the USSR it was called a Turnover Tax. They’re the same thing but a VAT does not tax means of production) was how incredibly simple it was to administer. Tax fraud could be kept relatively low for any given level of administration if a VAT was used instead of an income tax, for example. Many modern governments do this today for the same reason.

    The USSR was constantly in a struggle to build an effective administration (a good book on this is Origins of the Great Purges ) while fighting what we today would call Bullshit Jobs and local strongmen.

  • it depends on what you mean by BRICS, the EU, and imperialism.

    Usually what people are referring to is the breakdown of something called Dollar Recycling and usually this gets lumped in with the specific way the US ruling class impose their economic will over the rest of the world.

    Often people start with a history lesson beginning just after WWII, and I can link a video if you’d be interested, but in short:

    1. The US Dollar is used by all countries to settle trade. When countries buy and sell oil, they do it in US Dollars. When Argentina sells grain to Brazil, they do it using US Dollars.

    sidenote: It’s not actually “Argentina” or “Brazil” doing this. The businesses in these countries put in purchase requests for US Dollars at the Chicago Clearing House or some other bank, and then they pay a fee to exchange their currency for US Dollars, and then trade with each other, and then pay the bank to exchange it back.
    sidenote 2: Sometimes these businesses go to their own country’s central banks to exchange the money so the central bank acts as a middle man of sorts.


    1. If a business in the US wants to buy something from abroad, it can just do so without having to worry about where to get US Dollars from since it always uses US Dollars anyway. When French businesses, for example, wants to buy something from abroad, they has to first sell something to get the US Dollars they needs (often to the US) or they have to use a US bank or clearing house to exchange Euros for US Dollars.

    2. Chinese businesses is becoming the largest trading partners of many countries, not the US ones anymore. So many countries can get US Dollars without having to sell to US businesses.

    3. What is likely going to happen is that the BRICS countries (probably better referred to simply as the China Trading Block since all of the other countries are in a subservient role) will make their own crypto currency similar to Tether which is backed by US Dollars that China has in abundance.

    4. This means that there is now a competing currency to the US Dollar but which can easily be exchanged for US Dollars without needing to use any US Banks at all. Thus the power the US businesses have will be weakened.