Leave our European siblings alone already
Leave our European siblings alone already
Genosse spittin’ some real facts here
Ftw Europe
We do not have a lack of labor we have a misorganization.
It makes sense Netanjahu is the world leader of antisemitism, nobody in the 21st century created more hate towards jews unfortunately
Bring it on douche
Is modern China better than previous, feudal China? Yes, by far. Has it been anticapitalist / antifascist? In the beginning for sure, by now it’s state-capitalism. Has it been a proletariat-controlled society? No.
Which one of these three aspects is most important for the qualification of socialism to you?
To my perception, instead of a bourgeoisie controlling the means of production, it is the non-working party members who (indirectly) control the means of production. The only difference being a party badge.
Capitalism will either need to reform itself into socialism or it will collapse and socialism will eventually take its place, either or this is right.
Know not much about Laos, but as China does nothing against the chains of the workers, it is a poor example of socialism.
No shit!
Just returned from the US as a European, I was very nervous when entering and exiting.
Danke dir