Do you deny climate change on the same basis?
Do you deny climate change on the same basis?
That’s a lot of words to avoid saying you’re talking out your ass.
“Yeah, I could totally tell you. Honest. Promise. No I can’t because… uh… I’d have to kill you.”
Are you joking?
Veganism and vegetarianism is massively on the rise and firmly in the mainstream. McDonald’s does a plant based burger ffs.
PETA have even managed to position themselves as a certification agency for “cruelty free”. If getting companies to self-regulate and accept you as the rule maker for that regulation isn’t above your standard of “working” then I don’t know what is.
I’d like to respond, but I’m going to need you to read 5,000 words on my personal philosophy towards online commenting before I do.
Are you aware how obnoxious it is to spam a 5,000 word article while refusing to provide any summation or distillation of its thesis?
Yeah, this.
OP has misunderstood the joke being made (“haha this is an unfortunate picture”) and is using it to be cruel to a stranger (“bUt ShE PrObAbLy WoN’t mAkE bEtTeR cHoIcEs”) .
Go fuck yourself, OP. You’re the one that needs to make better choices.