@cyborganism @harsh3466 @kde
That is what nexcloud Integration dies.
There is a folder, which will be synced with nextcloud.
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@cyborganism @harsh3466 @kde
That is what nexcloud Integration dies.
There is a folder, which will be synced with nextcloud.
@alavi @thisweekinkde @[email protected] @[email protected]
Yes, or working at all.
At my notebook the brightness is so low, and can’t controlled with KDE. This was not happening with kde 5.27.11 🤔.
I need to check again the bug report’s.
@[email protected]
Not anyone know that KDE connect works on all devices, Android to android, Linux to Windows and all combinations.
So no need to use something like a bad copy from Microsoft.
@penquin @thisweekinkde
Have you created a bug report?
@in_sympathy @[email protected] @[email protected]
You can use as well #openSUSEtumbleweed and select #kde as desktop.
@Bro666 @Pantherina
Yes, but why this code have full axess and not running in a sandbox where the axess is limited, like with Flatpack packages?
@caos @foss_de
Also ich verwende jetzt schon lange den Fossify bzw. vorher SimoleMobile Tools Dateimanager und vermisse nix.
(Ok, der direkte #WebDAV Zugriff von #RCX wäre noch ein cooles feature, da dieser ja nicht mehr aktiv gepflegt wird).
#Android #Fossify #SimpleMobileTools #GhostCommander #FOSS #Privacy #FDroid
@thisweekinkde @[email protected] @[email protected]
Info to email subscribers, due to move to blogs.kde.org, the need to re-subscribe "This week in Plasma.” at https://newsletter.kde.org/subscription/form.
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