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  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • From.the FAQ

    Why build a new browser in C++ when safer and more modern languages are available? Ladybird started as a component of the SerenityOS hobby project, which only allows C++. The choice of language was not so much a technical decision, but more one of personal convenience. Andreas was most comfortable with C++ when creating SerenityOS, and now we have almost half a million lines of modern C++ to maintain.

    However, now that Ladybird has forked and become its own independent project, all constraints previously imposed by SerenityOS are no longer in effect. We are actively evaluating a number of alternatives and will be adding a mature successor language to the project in the near future. This process is already quite far along, and prototypes exist in multiple languages.

  • I’d presume through the same mechanism leveraged for achievements:

    Timeline and Event Markers

    The Steam Timeline appears whenever you’re actively recording. Timeline-enhanced games generate event markers as relevant game events happen. Steam achievements and screenshots automatically create markers as well.

    ISVs can enhance this as desired:

    In addition to being able to record any game you’re playing, timeline-enhanced games are games that can proactively notify Steam when relevant events happen. These events are represented along the timeline with details specified by developers.

    I’d think this could have broader reach than nvidia highlights depending on how easy it is to work with.