• This is so true, it hurts. American usually ever have access to Turkish Delight from year-old, mass-produced packages from the factories of big-name candy manufacturers, which are 50% preservatives and unpronounceable additives. This shit has only a passing resemblance to real Turkish Delight.

    It doesn’t have to be eaten or even made in Turkey; it only has to be well-made. It’s easy to get good Turkish Delight in London; I bet you can even find good stuff in NYC, or another large city. It just has to be reasonably fresh, and made with good ingredients and a tiny smidge of pride.

    What’s really eye opening is growing up on the crap you get in America and then one day trying good Turkish Delight and realizing your childhood was a lie. And what’s worse is realizing that it’s nearly impossible to find quality stuff where you live.